
The guidelines for the development of medical consultation in the different phases of treatment in the hair disorder treatment setting"


Throughout the course, we will provide the required guidelines to establish the necessary medical knowledge base, from the first visit of the patient to perform a trichological study, to visagism concepts applied to hair aesthetics, and to solve the most common problems that may arise in a hair micrografting intervention. Establish guidelines to be followed in the first medical consultation or diagnostic consultation and in the following consultations, mainly in the consultation prior to surgery, with emphasis on medical documentation and consents. We will also make a study of the different devices available for hair transplantation.

Review the team collaborating with the surgeon, the nursing team and the hair technicians, describing their roles throughout the hair process. 

Likewise, we will explain the post-surgical treatments for optimal results and the different complications after surgery and their solutions. 

Review the different local anesthetics, their pharmacokinetic characteristics and maximum dose, and the different loco-regional blocks at facial and peripheral level will also be discussed. 

Address how to solve emergencies that may arise in daily practice in Capillary Medicine consultation, as well as during surgery, and how to act in each case and the different corrective treatments.  

This course in Physician Assistance/ Consultation and Surgerywill help you stay current in providing comprehensive, quality patient care"

This postgraduate certificate in Physician Assistance/ Consultation and Surgery and Surgery contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market today, with the following notable features:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in hair surgery
  • The latest developments in Hair Surgery, with special and dedicated attention to the innovative methodologies
  • Practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Graphic contents, diagrams, and practical cases that gather scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional hair surgery practice
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to experts and/or tutors, discussion forums on controversial issues and individual reflection work throughout the postgraduate certificate
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

A postgraduate certificate created with the demand for excellence of all TECH specializations, to boost your professional growth backed up by the most advanced training system on the online market"

The teaching staff includes professionals from the field of medicine, with extensive experience in hair transplantation, who bring their experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in Hair Transplantation

A multimedia program that will allow you to study in a simpler and more interactive way"


With learning strategies focused on practice, this training will enable you to learn in a direct and tangible manner"


The objective of this training is to ensure that our students learn in a stimulating and attractive way, so that interest in studying does not wane during working time. In this way, we give real encouragement to achieving the learning objectives and with them, your professional growth.


Learn, in just a few weeks, how to develop the different medical consultations, the basis of any hair surgery or approach"

General Objectives

  • Acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, both theoretical and practical, to be able to start working as a hair surgeon
  • Acquire diagnostic and treatment skills in cases of patients with alopecia and other hair and scalp problems, as well as to learn clinical-surgical skills, an essential foundation for the acquisition of deeper knowledge in this field
  • Learn the required clinical-surgical skills to solve patients' problems in Hair Transplantation and Hair Medicine

Specific Module Objectives

  • Acquire a solid base to solve our patients' problems. It is the most common form of androgenetic alopecia in men and women
  • Study the changes in the hair cycle in androgenic alopecia, the genetic and hormonal factors involved in it, the role of androgens in this pathology, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and 5-alpha-reductase as responsible for this type of alopecia
  • Study the clinical characteristics
  • Classification of androgenetic alopecia (Norwood-Hamilton)
  • Study the diagnosis of AGA: clinical study with a miniaturized hair pattern, laboratory tests and genetic study
  • Perform a differential diagnosis, with greater importance in women, generally supported by the following characteristics: focal pattern baldness with miniaturized hairs, gradual onset with progression, thinning, onset after puberty, and negative traction test
  • Know cosmetic, dietary, topical, local, and systemic treatments
  • Review specific treatment techniques: hair mesotherapy and biological therapies with platelet-rich plasma and stem cells

Realistic objectives, which will measure your progress and your advancement as a professional, in a constant and effective way"

Postgraduate Certificate in Hair Medicine Consultation Care

Did you know that with TECH you can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to provide specialized care in hair medicine? Address the aesthetic and health needs of your patients' scalp and hair! Hair medicine is a growing discipline that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and conditions related to the scalp and hair. If you are interested in specializing in this field and providing comprehensive care to your patients, our Postgraduate Certificate in Hair Medicine Consultation Care is perfect for you, you will learn about hair structure, growth cycles, sebaceous glands and other related structures. Understanding the biology of the hair and scalp is critical to accurately assessing and addressing hair disorders.

Learn all the treatments for hair disorders

In this high-quality Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Certificate, you will gain knowledge about the different treatments available for hair disorders. You will learn about pharmacological therapies, such as the use of topical and oral medications to treat alopecia and other hair conditions. You will also study hair aesthetic medicine techniques, such as mesotherapy, platelet-rich plasma and laser therapy, among others. You will study how to take a complete medical history and examine the scalp and hair properly. In addition, you will explore the complementary tests and diagnostic tools used in hair medicine, such as trichoscopy and specific laboratory tests. The Postgraduate Certificate in Hair Medicine Consultation Care will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide specialized care to your patients in the field of hair medicine. Stand out as a professional trained to evaluate, diagnose and treat hair disorders, improving the health and aesthetics of the hair and scalp. Enroll now and become an expert in hair medicine!