
Enroll now in a university program that will allow you to take another step in a sector that demands qualified engineers to develop landscape restoration projects”


The serious damage caused by the different productive sectors to the environment have led to the development of different environmental policies, whose main purpose is the prevention and reduction of water, soil or air pollution. In addition, within these actions is the recovery of the environment itself, which in turn requires projects and initiatives carried out by highly qualified professionals with a greater sensitivity to the environment. 

In this scenario, the Engineering professional has a wide range of possibilities to deploy their full potential in companies dedicated to carrying out this type of action or to carry out their work in entities, where land use planning must be taken into account. and the environmental impact. A propitious panorama to be able to prosper through the appropriate knowledge. That is why TECH has prepared this postgraduate certificate in Territorial Planning and Landscape Restoration taught exclusively online. 

A program, where students will be able to delve into the factors that influence landscape diversity, the existing environmental problems, the different restoration methods used today, as well as the challenges for caring for the environment, over 6 weeks. Likewise, the multimedia educational resources provided in this program will lead you to delve into the current legal framework on territorial planning or the characteristics of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). 

Engineering professionals have before them an excellent opportunity to comfortably study a university program, whenever and wherever they wish. You only need a computer, mobile phone or tablet with an Internet connection to be able to view the agenda hosted on the Virtual Campus. In addition, this educational institution uses the Relearning,method, with which you can advance in a more natural and agile way, through the content of this program.

No attendance, no classes with fixed schedules. TECH has thought of you and has prepared a postgraduate certificate compatible with your professional responsibilities”

This postgraduate certificate in Territorial Planning and Landscape Restoration contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts of Environmental Engineering
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the book provide technical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions for the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Thanks to this postgraduate certificate you will be aware of the different techniques used to solve environmental problems that affect landscape fragility”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education designed to learn in real situations. 

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.  

You have a library of educational resources available 24 hours a day, so that you can delve into the characteristics of the Environmental Impact Assessment whenever you want”


With the learning acquired in this program you will be able to create engineering projects that take into account the conservation and respect for the environment"


This postgraduate certificate is designed so that students acquire the essential learning to be able to progress in the field of Environmental Engineering. For this, an advanced and exhaustive content has been prepared with which you will be able to evaluate the landscape in parameters of quality, fragility and usability, create projects that take into account the environment, as well as the existing legal framework in territorial planning. The case studies prepared ad hoc by experts in this field will be very useful and the methods used can be integrated into their daily practice. 


This university program will show you the techniques most used today for the analysis and diagnosis of the territorial system”

General Objectives

  • Understand the methods of environmental analysis used to assess, conserve and manage natural resources 
  • Identify the organizational levels of nature, from individual specimens to the whole ecosystem 
  • Become familiar with the history of territorial planning from antiquity to present day, its different phases - pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial - and the importance of the natural environment in this planning 
  • Learn how to evaluate the landscape in terms of quality, fragility and capacity of use according to its characteristics and using different techniques 

Specific Objectives

  • Present the concept of landscape in its different dimensions and its treatment in the regulatory context 
  • Understand the system underlying the landscape and the factors that determine the different types of landscape 
  • Understand the spatial dimension of landscape phenomena at different scales 
  • Define and characterize the different types of landscapes 
  • Know the conceptualization and theoretical bases on which land use planning, models, plans, justifications, etc. are based
  • Distinguish the evolution of land-use plans since they began to be systematically developed in the 20th century, up to present day 
  • Become familiar with the European legislation that regulates everything involved in spatial planning 
  • Know how to value natural resources, their management and conservation, when formulating policies, regulations, plans and development programs 

You are before a postgraduate certificate that will allow you to know all the phases for the elaboration of a land use plan”

Postgraduate Certificate in Territorial Planning and Landscape Restoration

The ecological balance and the preservation of the environment are increasingly relevant issues in our society today. For this reason, the Postgraduate Certificate in Territorial Planning and Landscape Restoration at TECH Global University focuses on providing students with the necessary tools to face the challenges of land planning and landscape management. In this program, the concepts of sustainability and resilience and their relationship with land and landscape planning and restoration will be studied in depth. It will also study the different techniques and methods for the evaluation of environmental impacts and the development of land-use plans.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Territorial Planning and Landscape Restoration will also address the relationship between urban design and landscape preservation, as well as the importance of citizen participation in land use planning processes. In addition, successful cases in the implementation of landscape planning and management policies and strategies in different national and international contexts will be studied. Upon completion of this program, students will be able to plan and manage land use planning and landscape restoration projects with a sustainable approach based on citizen participation and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage.