
This online postgraduate diploma in Transmedia Screenwriting will allow you to develop all your knowledge about the creation of characters and stories and professionally capture it in an audiovisual format" 


To carry out the creation of any type of script it is necessary to acquire a series of skills that allow the idea to be put into practice and make it work. From the initial idea and its historical process, to the legal and juridical elements involved. Keeping up to date in this area is necessary, even if scriptwriters' basic skills are extensive and experienced. In addition, it is not only enough to know the fundamentals of the processes that must be carried out for the creation of the script, but it is also important to incorporate the necessary information for its pre-production, production and post-production, viewing the process as a whole in an integral manner.

The syllabus is mostly focused on delving into each type of media that can serve as support for the scripts produced and adapted by the screenwriter. The first part is based on the documentary, its different styles, forms and genres in which to adapt. The next section is related to the environment of the screenplay and the screenwriter; it deals with the legal and legislative framework in which the screenwriter is situated: it is very important content and information that screenwriters should know. The last two sections deal with the different means by which a script can be adapted, focusing on two in particular: the screenplay in the short film, and the script in video games.

This program is the most complete and targeted program for professionals in the creation of transmedia screenplays to reach a higher level of performance, based on the fundamentals and the latest trends in the development of audiovisual screenplays in all formats. Make the most of the opportunity and take this program, 100% online.

Work with the best screenwriters and teaching professionals in this postgraduate diploma with excellent curricular value”

This postgraduate diploma in Transmedia Screenwriting contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in screenwriting for different media
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which they are conceived, provide rigorous and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The latest developments in screenplay creation, taking into account the latest social trends and advances in the different multimedia formats
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on transmedia screenplay creation methodologies
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making on the situations raised in screenplay creation
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This program is perfect for you to raise your performance level when telling the story you want to tell”

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the world of script production in all existing media and formats, who bring their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists belonging to leading companies and prestigious universities.

Thanks to its multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, it will allow professionals a situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to prepare in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by recognized experts in the field of transmedia project screenwriting and with extensive teaching experience. 

Don't miss the opportunity to increase your competence in the creation of audiovisual screenplays in different formats"


Learn about the latest trends in the entertainment industry and update your knowledge in transmedia project screenwriting"


This program is aimed at screenwriting professionals, so that they can acquire the necessary tools to develop in this specific field, knowing the latest trends and delving into those issues that make up the forefront of this area. Only with the proper preparation will screenwriters be able to capture what they want in all possible media.


The program in Transmedia Screenwriting is oriented toward the professional, so that they can carry out the creation and adaptation of screenplays at a higher level”

General Objective

  • Achieve the necessary knowledge to write the different types of screenplays according to the format of the production, taking into account the different methods of adaptation to different audiovisual formats such as documentaries, video games, television series and internet, etc.

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Documentaries

  • Know the basic concepts related to the types of documentaries, their differences with works of fiction and their historical evolution
  • Analyze the transformation of documentaries and their hybridizations today
  • Study documentary language and its historical development
  • Reflect on the narrative strategies for documentaries, taking into account the format and screenplay content, visual and auditory treatment, as well as the project’s choices and annotations
  • Plan the types of strategy for narration, character, direction, explicit or implicit presence, research, reconstructions, and oral or visual discourses
  • Learn how to use documentary creation tools, such as images, audiovisual documents, and sounds
  • Elaborate a documentary screenplay, locating the beginning, middle and end, with the necessary flexibility, and introducing the interviews, until reaching the final script
  • Systematize interviews for a documentary film taking into consideration documents, narrative, emotion, interviewees and interaction

Module 2. Introduction to the Legal and Labor Framework for Screenwriters

  • Know the concepts of authorship, intellectual property, industrial property, contracting and assignment of rights, audiovisual production contracts, licenses, Creatives Commons, and how they relate to the screenplay, the screenwriters and the authorship of the project
  • Organize the steps for audiovisual creation: pre-production, briefing and sales pitch, transmedia and multiplatform projects, and the keys to a solid pitching process
  • Examine the phases in the marketing structure of a films: existence, persuasion, recall, placement, merchandising and representativeness
  • Observe and analyze the importance of audiovisual festivals, markets and awards in different parts of the world
  • Understand the types of public, private and audiovisual development funding available for both screenwriters and production

Module 3. Short Film Script

  • Reflect on the concept of short films, its origin, evolution, current trends, and its positioning in the audiovisual industry
  • Describe and produce a literary script from the idea, synopsis, headline, description, dialogue and transition
  • Develop a technical script, understanding its function and elements: annotations, scenery, shots, sequences, camera movements, music, sound effects, names of characters and scenery, and floor plan
  • Create a graphic screenplay or storyboard, understanding its origin, function, characteristics and elements
  • Create a sound script taking into account its purpose, genesis, characteristics and elements 
  • Examine other types of short films in the form of video clips, commercials, and trailers
  • Observe the existence of current derivations of short films in the form of micro and nano-films
  • Know the different types of short film festivals, their definition and awards

Module 4. Video Game Scripts 

  • Know the concept and origin of video games in the entertainment industry and the internet era
  • Examine the historical evolution of video games in the audiovisual industry, their commercialization, leadership and corporations
  • Study the narrative structure of video games, their theory, intertextuality, hypertext and ludology
  • Analyze the different types of video game genres, their origins and hybridization
  • Learn how to develop the world, characters and objectives of video games
  • Elaborate and understand the parts of a video game design document
  • Create and build a technical script applied to the particularities of video games as an audiovisual product
  • Systematize and elaborate a videoludic analysis taking into account semiology, communication esthetics, ludology, film analysis and psychology

Develop your skills to become a versatile screenwriter, at the forefront of the latest trends"

Postgraduate Diploma in Transmedia Screenwriting

Are you one of those who like to create high impact stories and narratives? If the answer is yes The Postgraduate Diploma in Transmedia Screenwriting from TECH Global University is for you. It is a specialized training aimed at those professionals and students who wish to acquire the necessary skills to create interconnected stories in different digital media platforms. This academic program is designed to provide students with a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses writing techniques, audiovisual production, transmedia storytelling and marketing strategies. In the Postgraduate Diploma in Transmedia Screenwriting, participants will acquire an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of transmedia storytelling, developing skills to produce and distribute stories across digital platforms.

Become an expert in Transmedia Screenwriting with TECH

The program's curriculum is innovative and aimed at practical preparation. In addition, the Postgraduate Diploma in Transmedia Screenwriting is taught by highly experienced professionals in the field of transmedia storytelling, renowned screenwriters and producers with extensive industry experience. The curriculum is taught online, so students can adapt study schedules to their needs, regardless of their geographic location, also TECH offers virtual library and multimedia content so students can complement what they learn in the classroom. Upon completion of the program, students will be able to develop and produce coherent and effective transmedia stories, thus building a career in the industry. The Postgraduate Diploma in Transmedia Screenwriting is the ideal choice for those seeking an advanced, specialized education in transmedia storytelling in a flexible environment tailored to their needs. enroll today and start building your career in digital storytelling!