
A 100% online postgraduate diploma that will allow you to be up to date with the techniques and methods to address Human Sexuality and Sexual Health”


Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis are the sexually transmitted infections that most affect the world's population. Despite the existence of contraceptive methods to prevent them, and even treatments for Hepatitis B or HPV, there is little information available to the public about them.

It is therefore necessary for medical professionals to be aware, in this context, of current risk behaviors or the different techniques used to communicate information to patients of all ages in a natural way. With this in mind, TECH has created this postgraduate diploma in Human Sexuality and Sexual Health that provides, from a theoretical-practical perspective, the most up-to-date knowledge in this field.

A program developed by a teaching team specialized in Sexology and Psychology that will provide its extensive professional background in an advanced syllabus and high quality content. In this way, the specialist will delve into the evolution of the science of Sexology, the implementation of sex education programs, communication through the most appropriate channels to reach the population and advances in human reproduction treatments.

In addition, thanks to the Relearning method, based on the reiteration of key contents, the professional will be able to advance through the syllabus in a natural way, reducing the long hours of study and memorization.

The physician is, therefore, facing an excellent opportunity to study a university qualification that is 100% online and flexible. All they need is an electronic device (computer, tablet or cell phone) with an Internet connection to be able to view the content hosted on the virtual platform. In addition, without attendance or classes with fixed schedules, the professional will be able to distribute the teaching load according to their needs and make a quality program compatible with the most demanding responsibilities.

Get an up-to-date approach to Sexology through a program that gives you the flexibility to self-manage your study time”

This postgraduate diploma in Human Sexuality and Sexual Health contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will achieve, with this university qualification, to be up to date with the most effective contraceptive methods and to transmit their use in an adequate way”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Learn about the most notorious advances in HIV treatments in this program and integrate them into your regular practice"


Thanks to the Relearning method, you will be able to significantly reduce the long hours of study and memorization"


The medical professional who attends this program will obtain after 6 months an update on current educational models, the gender perspective and the most significant advances in different treatment options and approach to infertility. Very useful information that can be integrated from the first moment in their usual clinical practice, thanks to the multitude of resources and activities provided by this postgraduate diploma. In addition, in this academic journey the specialist will be accompanied by a teaching team specialized in Sexology.


The case studies provided by the teaching team of this program will give you a practical view on sex education and the different methods to deal with it naturally”

General Objectives

  • Acquire knowledge about sexuality, expanding the vision of sexuality from a biopsychosocial perspective
  • Obtain tools to be able to accompany cases related to difficulties related to sexuality
  • Identify the variables involved in the origin and maintenance of different sexual dysfunctions (organic, psychological, relational and cultural components)
  • Acquire skills to be able to share information about sexuality in a clear way
  • Understand the aspects involved in the beginning and development of couple relationships (life cycle of the couple: establishment and evolution)
  • Describe the dynamics of couple relationships and the factors that generate alterations in them
  • Investigate complex issues such as gender violence and child sexual abuse
  • Achieve skills to face the multiple incidences and decisions that may arise in the exercise of their profession
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of deontology in sexuality and couple matters, as well as learn to carry out an exercise of introspection on those personal and professional aspects that could collide with the profession and that would undermine the therapeutic work
  • Carry out research programs in sexuality

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Sexology. Human Sexual Fact

  • Lay the foundations of Sexology as a science
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the components that are part of the human sexual fact
  • Demystify beliefs or prejudices about sexuality

Module 2. Conceptual, Historical and Dissemination Framework

  • Delve into the concepts of Sexology
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of dissemination techniques
  • Create personal brand and voice for dissemination

Module 3. Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of the important aspects for Sexual Health
  • Delve into the legal and ethical framework of voluntary termination of pregnancy
  • Delve into the different methods of assisted reproduction
  • Understand the different options for treatment and approach to infertility

This university qualification provides you with all the resources you need to be able to implement effective sex education programs for young people”

Postgraduate Diploma in Human Sexuality and Sexual Health

The search for a healthy, full and free of prejudice sexuality is a need increasingly present in people's lives. However, there are still many taboos and misinformation surrounding these issues, resulting in sexual problems and disorders. In order to offer updated and quality training in this area, TECH has designed the Postgraduate Diploma in Human Sexuality and Sexual Health, a 100% online program that will allow you to address the latest advances in sexual anatomy and physiology, sexually transmitted diseases, among other important topics in sexual health care.

Get up to date on the latest advances in Sexual Health

With this Postgraduate Diploma in Human Sexuality and Sexual Health you will delve into the different sexual and reproductive disorders, family planning and sexual health in vulnerable populations. In this way you will be able to offer a comprehensive and updated approach in the care of your patients. In addition, you will have a team of highly trained teachers in the subject, who will guide you throughout the educational process, through case studies and multimedia resources developed with the latest educational technology.