
New developments in gynecologic oncology drive us to develop new programs that meet the real needs of experienced professionals, so that they can incorporate new advances into their daily practice”


Chemotherapy has been a cornerstone of gynecologic tumor treatment for many years. The great advances made in recent years in treatments, forms of administration and new biologic drugs have necessitated continuous professional development.

It is necessary for the specialist physician to be up-to-date on new therapies in gynecologic oncology, since the breadth and specificity of advances that are constantly being published and discovered must be transferred to daily medical practice.

This program is aimed at providing the professional with an update on the management of female tumor pathology.

Incorporate the latest developments in the management of new chemotherapy drugs and their adverse effects into your medical practice and improve the prognosis of your patients"

This postgraduate certificate in Principles of Chemotherapy, Adverse Effects and New Therapies in Gynecologic Oncology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The examination of clinical cases, presented by specialists in gynecologic oncology and other disciplines: The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • An update on new therapeutic procedures for oncologic pathology.
  • Methods for monitoring and management of the adverse effects of chemotherapy
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course.
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments.
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate certificate may be the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in the Principles of Chemotherapy, Adverse Effects and New Therapies in Gynecologic Oncology, you will obtain a postgraduate certificate issued by TECH Global University"

The teaching staff includes a team of leading gynecologists who bring their professional experience to this program, in addition to renowned specialists in other medical areas.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the physician with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, you will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts in the field of gynecologic oncology with extensive teaching experience.

You will be able to learn, through the latest educational technology, the latest advances in oncological therapies and their adverse effects"


It includes clinical cases and real images in high definition to bring clinical practice as close as possible to the development of the program"


The main objective is to incorporate advances in gynecologic oncological pathology, ensuring that the specialist can update their knowledge in a practical way, with the latest educational technology and adapting the educational process to their real needs.


This refresher program will provide you with the skills required for confident decision-making during the diagnostic process, and will help you to grow professionally"

General Objective

  • Update the specialist on new oncological therapeutic procedures, reviewing the principles of chemotherapy and the approach to adverse effects.

Specific Objectives

  • Recognize and understand the molecular bases of carcinogenesis as well as its development and metastasis production
  • Define the basis of cellular growth regulation.
  • Understand the role of carcinogens in the formation of genital cancer.
  • Gain up-to-date knowledge of cancer genetics.
  • Understand the cellular mechanisms of programed cell death and apoptosis and their relationship and activity with malignant pathology
  • Interpret the mechanisms of cancer production and distant metastatis at a molecular level.
  • Identify the origins of genetic alterations that provoke cancer.
  • Identify the epigenetic changes and oncogenes related with genital tract tumor pathology
  • Explain the mechanisms tumor neoformation in blood vessels.
  • Recognize respiratory symptomatology, such as that caused by pleural effusion, in the treatment of gynecologic cancer.
  • Identify the essentials for the use of chemotherapy in gynecologic oncology as well as adverse effects and complications
  • Identify the basic factors that are involved in chemotherapy treatment.
  • Highlight the influence of chemotherapy in the cellular cycle.
  • Identify the action mechanisms of antineoplastic agents.
  • Recognize the mechanisms for the resistance of medical treatments in gynecologic cancer.
  • Gain up-to-date knowledge of toxicity and side effects
  • Review the available antineoplastic drugs and their characteristics.
  • Identify cases in which patient observation can be used without using adjuvant treatment.
  • Understand the role of new tests such as positron emission tomography for cervical cancer
  • Evaluate the role of tumor markers such as SCC.
  • Update the role of laparoscopy in the performance of radical hysterectomy and para-aortic staging lymphadenectomy for non-early tumor stages
  • Evaluate the use of medical and surgical therapy in mestastatic, recurrent or persistent illness.
  • Study and analyze the postoperative care of patients to identify any complications early on.
  • Appropriately assess the role of chemotherapy in gestational trophoblastic disease
  • Manage the progression of pelvic tumor disease in the most effective way.

Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in this field in order to apply it to your daily practice"

Postgraduate Certificate in the Basis of Chemotherapy Treatment, Adverse Effects and New Therapies in Gynecologic Oncology

The Postgraduate Certificate in Basis of Chemotherapy Treatment, Adverse Effects and New Therapies in Gynecologic Oncology is a training that every physician specializing in this area should take into account. Chemotherapeutic treatment is one of the main therapeutic options for ovarian, cervical and endometrial cancer, and its use is currently being extended to other types of gynecological cancers. This Postgraduate Certificate is designed to provide the specialist with the necessary knowledge to manage the new chemotherapeutic treatments, to know their adverse effects and to learn about the new therapies available in gynecologic oncology. The Postgraduate Certificate in Basis of Chemotherapy Treatment, Adverse Effects and New Therapies in Gynecologic Oncology provides the specialist with an update of the knowledge necessary to manage current treatments, and also prepares him/her to be aware of the advances and new developments in this field.

Specialize in Chemotherapy for Gynecology

This Postgraduate Certificate has a practical approach and adapted to the needs of specialists. Students will be able to acquire knowledge through participation in clinical cases, discussion of real cases, simulation practices and review of the most current scientific evidence.Adverse effects are an important part of chemotherapy treatment, and preparation in this field is essential for specialists to be able to identify and treat side effects in their patients. With this course, students will be able to acquire knowledge in the prevention and management of adverse effects of chemotherapy treatments in gynecologic oncology.In short, the Postgraduate Certificate in Bases of Chemotherapy Treatment, Adverse Effects and New Therapies in Gynecologic Oncology is an essential program for any physician specializing in this field who wants to update and improve their knowledge. An opportunity to be at the forefront of treatments and advances in gynecologic oncology.