
Dr. Ramón Alberto Carrasco is an outstanding professional in the field of Artificial Intelligence, with a solid academic background and extensive experience in the business environment

This expert has contributed significantly to the advancement of knowledge in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Sentiment Analysis and Multicriteria Decision Models. In fact, his numerous publications in international journals and conferences, as well as his participation as a speaker in scientific events, have exposed his commitment to research, standing out as a great figure in the academic community. In addition, his interdisciplinary approach and his ability to apply Artificial Intelligence in diverse areas, such as Tourism and Scientific Data Analysis, have demonstrated his versatility and leadership in this field. 

Also, in terms of his professional career, Dr. Ramón Alberto Carrasco has held positions of responsibility in Business Intelligence and Information Systems, in financial institutions such as the Caja General de Ahorros de Granada and Banco Mare Nostrum.

  • Researcher 
  • Head of Business Intelligence (Marketing) at Caja General de Ahorros de Granada and Banco Mare Nostrum. 
  • Head of Information Systems (Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence) at Caja General de Ahorros de Granada and Banco Mare Nostrum
  • PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Granada
  • Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Granada
Programmes in collaboration with

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