
Physiotherapist Beatriz López Moreno has spent years focusing her daily work in the Evaluation, Diagnosis, Development of Individual/Group Treatments, Re-evaluation and Optimization of Affected Parameters in patients with Neurological Damage. 

Currently, she practices at the Parkinson's Association of Toledo, where she has acquired a great experience in the approach of Neurological Pathologies, guiding her work with a multi and interdisciplinary approach and continuous learning and adaptation to adversities. 

  • Physiotherapist at the Parkinson's Association of Toledo.
  • Physiotherapist at Fisio&Med Medical Center.
  • Physiotherapist Assistant at Villanazules Hotel Hípica Spa
  • Pilates Instructor at Mat-Fitness and Aerobic Toledo
  • Degree in Physiotherapy by the University of Castilla-La Mancha
  • Specialist in Conservative and Invasive Physical Therapy of Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
  • Certificate of Diagnosis and Conservative Treatment and Superficial Dry Needling of Myofascial Pain Syndrome
  • Certificate of Resources and Action Protocols in Support and Social and Health Care for people with disabilities.
Programmes in collaboration with

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