
Ms. María Elena Pedrajas Perabá has dedicated her entire professional career to research, executing projects such as MeteoAlarm Text, in which she developed a desktop application that connects with European weather information and converts it to natural language. 

As a Data Science and Computer Engineering Specialist with extensive knowledge in business consulting, he works as a New Technologies and Digital Transformation Consultant at Management Solutions. 

  • New Technologies and Digital Transformation Consultant at Management Solutions
  • Researcher in the Department of Computer Science and Numerical Analysis at the University of Cordoba
  • Researcher at the Singular Center for Research in Intelligent Technologies in Santiago de Compostela
  • Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Cordoba
  • Master's Degree in Data Science and Computer Engineering from the University of Granada
  • Master's Degree in Business Consulting from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Programmes in collaboration with

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