
Dr. Manuel Valladares Ayerbes is a medical specialist in Oncology with more than 25 years of experience in the comprehensive management of cancer in its different stages and representations. Thanks to his constant training and continuous activity, he has managed to hold the position of FEA in this service in several hospitals such as the Virgen del Rocio University Hospital, the University Hospital of A Coruña and the Reina Sofia University Hospital.  

He is a professional who combines clinical practice with teaching and research in several university centers. In fact, among his academic milestones is his Doctorate in Medicine, for which he carried out a major study on the detection and clinical significance of minimal residual disease or micrometastasis in solid tumors. 

  • Specialist Physician in the Medical Oncology Service of the University Hospital Virgen del Rocío.
  • Specialist in Medical Oncology at the University Hospital Virgen del Rocío. 
  • Visiting Researcher at The Norwegian Radium Hospital 
  • Medical Oncology Specialist at the Medical Oncology Department of the University Hospital A Coruña 
  • Specialist Physician in the Medical Oncology Service UGC at the University Hospital Reina Sofia 
  • Doctor in Medicine by the UDC 
  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the US
  • Master's Degree in Molecular Oncology at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas and Escuela Europea de Oncología. 
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