
Incorporate into your daily practice the most relevant advances in the area of Hepatology thanks to a distinctive, unique and effective hands-on experience”


Hepatology is of great relevance if we take into account that one out of every three people in the world is exposed to the hepatitis B or C virus, being one of the priority diseases in the Millennium Development Goals of the World Health Organization. In view of this reality, scientific research has driven the improvement of both diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.  

These advances require specialists to keep their knowledge constantly updated. This is why this internship program was created. An innovative pedagogical program, which goes into the direct and current application of techniques and procedures in a real healthcare scenario. Thus, the professional who enters this program will have access to a clinical center of reference in Hepatology. In this environment you will be able, together with specialists in this area, to test the techniques, tools and methodologies used in the approach to the hepatological patient. 

A 3-week stay, where you will work in a specialized environment, which will allow you to learn first-hand about the state-of-the-art equipment used, as well as the different procedures applied to care for patients whose disease is at different stages. An excellent opportunity to keep abreast of progress in Hepatology in a professional and eminently practical environment.


Enjoy an intensive 3-week stay in a reputable center and get up to date on the latest clinical procedures to achieve professional growth" 

Why our program?

TECH in this program has gone a step further in graduate education, and has created an internship program unique in the academic landscape. A stay in a prestigious health center with specialized professionals is a unique option for professionals who wish to update their knowledge in an intensive period. Thus, during 3 weeks they will be able to work in a real environment, attending patients through the latest procedures and techniques. All this will also allow them to integrate these methodologies into their daily practice and thus enhance their competencies and skills in the area of Hepatology.  

vocational apprenticeships hepatology TECH Global University

TECH is the only university that offers you the possibility of getting into real clinical environments, together with excellent professionals specialized in Hepatology”

1. Updating from the latest technology available

The area of Hepatology has evolved in recent years, thanks to advances in diagnostic equipment (CT, ultrasound, MRI). This has contributed to more accurate detection of the disease and more effective therapeutic measures. That is why, in this program, TECH seeks that the medical professional obtains the most advanced and current practical knowledge, applying the latest technology available in this health area. 

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

During the development of this practical stay, the professional will not be alone, since they will have a specialist who will tutor them, so that they can successfully achieve his/her updating objectives. In this way, you will be able to see real patients in a state-of-the-art environment, which will allow you to integrate the different techniques and the most effective approach in Hepatology.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

For all Internship Programs, TECH carries out a rigorous selection of all clinical centers. This is a guarantee for the professional who seeks to be up to date in the area of Hepatology, through the best specialists. In this way, you will also be able to see what day-to-day life is like in an area of work that has undergone great technological advances in recent years, as well as in treatments for patients with liver problems. 

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

Currently, there is a wide range of educational programs that offer theoretical content, but very few that are adapted to the daily needs of professionals. In view of this reality, TECH has created this practical format, which allows updating the specialist's theoretical concepts, renewing them and also showing the new techniques and processes carried out in an excellent healthcare environment. All this, in addition, from the beginning of the 3 weeks of practical stay.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH has created this internship program, not only to offer an update of knowledge, but also to provide methodological and technical innovations applied in the area of Hepatology. In this way, the professional will be able to integrate them and perform their specialty in health environments of the highest level in the area of Hepatology. A unique opportunity to take a step further in this specialization.  

professional practices hepatology TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Hepatology

In order to efficiently incorporate the latest diagnostic techniques and approach to liver disorders, as well as new forms of intervention that modify the evolution and prognosis of patients, it is necessary that health professionals are updated in the specific skills required by this area of medicine. For this reason, TECH Global University developed this Internship program in Hepatology, a program focused on the main aspects of this discipline. In this way, you will be able to put your knowledge into practice in the hospital reality and boost your professional career towards excellence.

Specialize in the area of hepatology

The main objective of this program is to provide students with the ability to intervene in the area of hepatology through immersive learning through real practice. Thus, you will be able to join a cutting-edge healthcare environment and further strengthen your knowledge and skills in the latest trends in this discipline. You will recognize the indications, contraindications, rationale and limitations of hematological diagnostic and therapeutic methods; you will apply curative treatments according to acute and chronic liver diseases, and you will treat your patients' pathologies effectively in order to ensure an accurate prognosis and a faster recovery. From this, you will manage to stand out as an expert in the practice of this discipline and revalue your professional profile.

Study at the largest Faculty of Medicine

TECH Global University has the largest Faculty of Medicine. Through an excellent scientific program you will have the opportunity to access a first-rate hospital, equipped with the most advanced technological and human resources. This Internship program lasts three weeks in consecutive eight-hour days, from Monday to Friday, which will guarantee you to perfect your skills to solve complex situations in real environments. With this program you will take the decisive step in your career.