
This postgraduate certificate course 100% online will allow you to intensively update your knowledge of Latin and Classical Language in High School Education" 


Authors such as Aristophanes, Aeschylus, Euripides, or Ovid survive in time thanks to their works, and with them the passion for the study of Latin and the Classical Language endures. Knowing the origins of current languages and the repercussion of ancient poets, and writers in modern literature is the subject to be taught to students in High School Education.

A broad and extensive knowledge that must be adapted in order to teach the basic structures of these languages and their historical context. In this arduous task, TECH has created the postgraduate certificate in Disciplinary Training in Latin and Classical Language in High School Education 100% online.

A program consisting of an advanced syllabus with a theoretical-practical approach that will take the teaching professional on a historical and linguistic tour of Latin, phonetic, morphological, and syntactic elements and Greco-Roman science and literature. The content is complemented by multimedia teaching resources that can be easily accessed at any time of the day from a computer, tablet, or cell phone with an Internet connection.

Likewise, thanks to the use of the Relearning system, students will be able to update their knowledge of Latin and Classical Language without having to invest a great number of hours of study and memorization.

In this way, this educational institution offers an excellent opportunity to take a flexible diploma course, with no classroom attendance or scheduled classes. In this way, the graduates will be able to self-manage their study time and reconcile a high-level university education with their daily responsibilities.

Refresh all your knowledge about Latin conjugation and bring it in an attractive way to your high school students" 

This postgraduate certificate in Disciplinary Training in Latin and Classical Language in High School Education  contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in teaching in High School Education
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Phonetic, morphological, syntactic elements of Latin compacted into a flexible degree that is compatible with your daily responsibilities”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the educational year. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Reduce long hours of study thanks to the Relearning system employees by TECH in all of its programs"


Access a program that will bring you closer to the educational roles reserved for the Latin syllabus"


This postgraduate certificate has been designed to offer Latin and Classical Language teachers an update on their extensive knowledge of these subjects and their adaptation to High School Education. In order to achieve this goal successfully, TECH provides multimedia teaching resources that promote attractive learning and facilitate updating in just 6 weeks. 


Numerous additional educational resources are available and can be accessed 24 hours a day, from any electronic device with an Internet connection" 

General Objectives

  • Introduce students to the world of teaching, from a broad perspective that provides them with the necessary skills for the performance of their work
  • Know the new tools and technologies applied to teaching
  • Show the different options and ways the teacher can work in their post
  • Promote the acquisition of communication and knowledge transmission skills and abilities
  • Encourage continuing education for students

Specific Objectives

  • Recall the most important aspects of the Latin language and its various dialects
  • Understand how the language emerged and how it has evolved to the present day
  • Apply the knowledge to identify the different dialects
  • Analyze the various changes that occurred in the transition from Latin to Romance languages

Get into the concepts of brain plasticity and plastic windows with this 100% online program and apply it to the design of your daily classes"

Postgraduate Certificate in Disciplinary Training in Latin and Classical Language in High School Education 

The knowledge of Latin and Classical language has proven to be a fundamental tool to enhance the academic and cultural development of students. At TECH Global University, we understand the importance of mastering these linguistic aspects and their relevance in the comprehensive training of secondary education teachers. Therefore, we have created our Postgraduate Certificate in Latin and Classical Language Disciplinary Training in Secondary Education, designed to provide a solid disciplinary education in this field. Our Postgraduate Certificate is taught as an online course, which offers a number of significant benefits for participants. By opting for online learning, students have the flexibility to adapt their study schedules to their personal and professional needs. This allows them to reconcile their academic responsibilities with other activities, without compromising the quality of their studies. At TECH Global University, we are proud to have a highly qualified and experienced teaching staff with expertise in teaching Latin and Classical languages. Our expert professors will guide students throughout the Postgraduate Certificate, providing them with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to understand and properly use these disciplines in the educational setting.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Latin and Classical Language Disciplinary Training in Secondary Education.

Teach Latin and Classical Language in secondary school

The Postgraduate Certificate Course covers a wide range of topics, from Latin grammar and syntax, to the analysis of classical texts and the application of specific teaching techniques to convey this knowledge to secondary school students. Our focus is on equipping participants with the pedagogical tools necessary to awaken interest and enthusiasm for Latin and the classical language in their future students. Upon successful completion of this Postgraduate Certificate, participants will be prepared to teach Latin and Classical language classes in secondary education, providing their students with a quality education and fostering a love for classical culture. In addition, the certificate awarded by TECH Global University will endorse their training and highlight their specialization in this field. Join TECH and expand your knowledge in this millenary discipline.