
Dr. Beatriz Salamanca Zarzuela is a Pediatrician and Specialist in Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease. She has stood out in recent years for her relevant work in the Pediatric Emergency Department of the University Hospital Río Hortega.  

He has developed several lines of research in the Care of Metabolic Diseases in pediatric patients, disclosed through the Annals of Pediatrics, the Scientific Expression Body of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics. 

Among other skills and experiences in which he has excelled, it is worth mentioning the study and innovation of diagnostic and therapeutic methods through Pediatric Echocardiography, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Cardiovascular Genetics. 

  • Medical Specialist in Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease.
  • Assistant Physician of the Pediatric Emergency Department at the University Hospital Río Hortega.
  • Pediatrician at the Hospital Comarcal Medina del Campo 
  • Specialist in Pediatric Cardiology at the Rio Carrión Hospital in Palencia. 
  • Doctorate in Medicine from the UVa
  • Degree in Medicine from the UVa
  • Master's Degree in Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Cardiopathies from UAM
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