
Álvaro Afonso Suárez is a teacher of Psychopedagogy with great experience with students with Specific Educational Support Needs (SEN). In this sense, some of his areas of work are Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD), Attention Deficit Disorders with or without Hyperactivity (ADHD), Special Personal Conditions or School History (ECOPHE) or High Intellectual Abilities (ALCAIN). 

In this line, Álvaro Afonso Suárez has worked as a technical teacher of Social and Health Care for people dependent on Social Institutions, as well as a technician of Social Integration. In the latter, he has been in charge of the design, development and evaluation of Social Integration interventions for people with severe mental illnesses. 

  • Teacher of educational reinforcement of SEN students 
  • Technician of Social and Health Care for dependent people in social institutions 
  • Social Integration Technician 
  • Degree in Psychopedagogy from the University of La Laguna. 
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