
The latest scientific, medical and healthcare advances in Applied Mastology and Breast Cancer Treatment, compiled in a comprehensive, high-performance program"


In the so-called precision oncology paradigm, the criteria of multimodality, individuality and patient-centeredness are constantly being renewed. This means that specialists must update their knowledge frequently, adapting to the exponential growth of scientific evidence and discoveries that are taking place in breast cancer research. 

The increasing complexity of new treatments, as well as the introduction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of malignant pathology, oblige specialists to be informed about the most efficient management of resources and to obtain the best possible results in the approach to patients with breast pathology. 

This program focuses precisely on updating the specialist through the latest education. All the content of the program has been prepared by a group of experts in Applied Mastology and Breast Cancer Treatment, who have placed special emphasis on uniting the most recent scientific postulates with the most effective clinical practice, improved over the years by their own professional experience. 

To guarantee total flexibility for the specialist, TECH has promoted a completely online format for all the contents of this program. This means that they can be downloaded from any device with an internet connection, with no on-site classes or fixed schedules of any kind. The specialists are free to decide how to manage their own study time, adapting it to their own requirements. 

A unique professional master’s degree that perfectly combines the most effective pedagogy with the most innovative knowledge and techniques in the sector, with the flexibility that the active specialist needs”

This professional master’s degree in Applied Mastology and Breast Cancer Treatment contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Practical cases presented by experts in breast pathology 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions for experts and individual reflection work 
  • Access to content from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

The latest advances in the field of Applied Mastology and Breast Cancer Treatment compiled together in a highly efficient training program which will optimize your effort with the best results possible"


A program designed to allow you to implement the knowledge that you acquire almost immediately in your daily practice"


The objective of this professional master’s degree in Applied Mastology and Breast Cancer Treatment is to offer medical professionals a complete pathway to acquire advanced knowledge, abilities and skills for routine clinical practice, or get up to date on the latest developments in this area of intervention. A practical and effective way to keep you at the forefront of a constantly evolving profession.


Our objective is simple: help you to achieve the most complete up-to-date knowledge of new technques and advances in Mastology and Breast Cancer in a professional master’s degree which is totally compatible with your personal and work commitments”

General Objectives

  • Gain knowledge of all concepts of embryology, anatomy, physiology and genetics applicable to the breast
  • Gain knowledge of the natural history of breast cancer and its biological aspects
  • Learn about the early diagnostic techniques in breast diseases
  • Gain knowledge of all the multidisciplinary teams and platforms related to mastology
  • Gain knowledge of the different histological types of benign and malignant tumors
  • Gain knowledge of how to deal with special situations in breast cancer
  • Establish a series of alternatives for the management of benign breast pathology
  • Gain knowledge of the surgical treatment of breast cancer
  • Gain knowledge of the preoperative and postoperative care related to breast pathology
  • Apply prophylactic medical treatment of breast cancer
  • Learn how to deal with chemotherapy treatments in mammary carcinoma
  • Gain knowledge of the different immunotherapies and support therapies
  • Apply the different appropriate molecular techniques in each specific clinical case
  • Gain understanding of the provision of tools to deal with poor response and relapse situations
  • Learn how to deal with metastatic breast cancer
  • Gain knowledge of the aspects related to the research and clinical trials in breast pathology
  • Gain knowledge of the associations and support groups available to patients

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Definition, History, Ethical Concepts, Epidemiology

  • Acquire a broad and developed knowledge of Mastology and Senology and their historical perspective from classical antiquity to the present day 
  • In-depth study of the European Specialty Law and Specialty Law accreditation in America 
  • Know the role of the Spanish colleges of surgery as pioneers of Mastology applied to the treatment of Breast Cancer 

Module 2. Diagnostics in Mastology 

  • Interpretation of radiology in breast pathology 
  • Properly manage the diagnosis of microcalcifications and distortion of breast architecture 
  • Explore pre-treatment clinical staging in breast cancer 
  • Learn in detail about the latest advances in diagnostic and interventional breast surgery 

Module 3. Pathological Anatomy 

  • Delve into the characteristics of mammary embryology to obtain a broad and exhaustive knowledge of its characteristics 
  • Gain knowledge about the molecular types of breast cancer and the subtypes of triple negative breast cancer 
  • Get to know the latest scientific evidence related to the treatment of fibroepithelial and mesenchymal tumors 
  • Special emphasis on special clinicopathological situations in which genetic tumor syndromes are present 

Module 4. Functional Anatomy 

  • Delve into the key points of vascularization in skin and areola preservation, as well as muscle preservation and local flaps 
  • In-depth knowledge of the latest developments in lymphatic drainage 
  • Study the radiological anatomy of the breast region and donor sites in reconstructive surgery 
  • Obtain a broad and specialized knowledge of the vascular, nervous and ganglionic content of the axillary cavity 

Module 5. Embriology, Malformations and Intersexual States 

  • Delve into the embryology and physiology of the breast 
  • Have adequate medical knowledge to identify the different types of breast malformations and their characteristics 
  • Delve into the specifics of macromastia and micromastia for better clinical management 
  • Learn in detail about the latest oncological advances in the treatment of inflammatory breast diseases 

Module 6. Locoregional Surgical Treatment in Malignant Breast Pathology 

  • Highlight the basics of breast conserving surgery and the incidence of lumpectomy 
  • In-depth understanding of the role of loco regional treatment within a multimodal, patient-based approach 
  • Identify the most current drugs in the treatment of malignant breast pathology, focusing on antibiotic and thromboembolic prophylaxis 
  • Describe the current modified radical mastectomy, with special emphasis on its indications and alternatives 

Module 7. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 

  • Be able to implement in the professional practice of the graduate the most innovative strategies and techniques in augmentation, reduction and mastopexy
  • Get to know the most effective indications, modalities and current techniques in prosthetic reconstruction in detail 
  • Obtain a comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge of the possible sequelae of breast-conserving surgery and their treatment 
  • Understand the importance of specialized scar management with patients who have undergone plastic and reconstructive surgery 

Module 8. Systemic Therapy in Breast Cancer 

  • Update the graduate on cell cycle, oncogenesis and pharmacogenomics in Breast Cancer 
  • Perform a detailed approach to chemotherapy and its advances 
  • Learn about the latest developments with respect to target therapies and support 
  • Delve into the possible complications of breast cancer and their management depending on the affected area 

Module 9. Radiotherapy 

  • Specify the indications for treatment with radiotherapy in patients with breast cancer 
  • Obtain a broad and comprehensive view of radiology and immunotherapy 
  • Gain knowledge about the new techniques of partial breast irradiation: IORT, SBRT and External Beam Radiation Therapy 
  • Detail the recommendations regarding the patient's lifestyle during radiological treatment 

Module 10. Precision Oncology and Cancer 

  • Learn about the evolution of precision medicine, especially in its application in breast cancer 
  • Delve into targeted therapies based on personalized diagnosis through genetic testing 
  • Obtain a broad, specialized and up-to-date knowledge of epigenetics 
  • Improve their skills in intervention and management of breast cancer patients according to the most current and innovative therapies in the field of oncolog

A unique, key and decisive educational experience to boost your professional development that will put you at the forefront of the professional world”

Professional Master's Degree in Applied Mastology and Breast Cancer Treatment

Taking into account that the thorough study of the mammary glands is of vital importance for the detection and early intervention of pathologies that affect this area, TECH Global University has created this program specialized in the classification and clinical orientation of ailments and diseases, within which those related to malignant tumoration stand out. Specifically, the curriculum covers the conceptualization of senology, analysis of nodules and asymmetries, pathological anatomy, diagnostic management of microcalcifications, distortion of breast architecture, embryology, malformations and intersexual states. Regarding the procedural area, it presents a series of contents focused on the functional anatomy of systemic therapy and oncological specialty (radiological/surgical) applied in this region. In addition to this, it delves into updates regarding the use of ductoscopy and the side effects of drugs in cancer patients.

Postgraduate Course in Applied Mastology and Breast Cancer Treatment

The TECH Postgraduate Certificate is an opportunity for the medical professional, since it provides the key tools to enable him/her to take an integral approach to benign and malignant pathologies. Thanks to the methodology of case analysis and problem-based learning, you will be able to face real medical scenarios, to which you will have to respond by mobilizing the resources available. This will allow you to be proficient in the management of primary or metastatic occult carcinoma and in the performance of the necessary procedures, either in controlled or emergency situations. Likewise, the thematic course, proposed by our teaching team, places special emphasis on the prevention of diseases, hence the use of methods such as mammography, magnetic resonance imaging and biopsies. The future graduate of the Professional Master's Degree in applied mastology will become an expert in the definition of clinical protocols, where complications are anticipated through differential diagnoses, risk factors are established, as well as recommendations on therapeutic alternatives, and the patient with pain is adequately treated.