
Dr. Elisa Quílez Bielsa is a Medical Specialist in the field of Clinical Oncology. She has completed with excellence her degree and subsequent stay as MIR at the University Hospital Lozano Blesa, center in which she has subsequently gone on to work as an Area Specialist Physician. His interests are focused on the knowledge of advanced renal cell carcinoma, delving into its prognosis, as well as the criteria for malnutrition with respect to the ESPEN criteria in the outpatient oncology patient.  

However, he has also opted for the study and advancement of science, through the completion of the Master's Degree in Initiation to Research in Medicine. Thus, she has been able to work knowledgeably as a collaborator in several lines related to breast cancer, hereditary cancer pathology or the impact of COVID-19 in the oncology population. 

  • Area Specialist in the Medical Oncology Service at the University Hospital Lozano Blesa
  • Master's Degree in Initiation to Research in Medicine
  • First prize +MIR 2018 by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM)
  • Member and collaborator as a speaker of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM)
Programmes in collaboration with

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