
Dr. Elisa Gómez Rodríguez is a Veterinarian of reference in the field of Assisted Reproduction of fighting bulls, thanks to the use of techniques that have revolutionized the existing procedures in this area.

The great work of innovation carried out by the team led by Gómez Rodríguez has made her become a regular speaker at national and international congresses where she contributes with the advances obtained in Animal Reproduction. A knowledge that, in addition to spreading in the professional field, Elisa Gómez Rodríguez expands to the students of academic institutions interested in acquiring the most updated knowledge from a first level expert.  

  • Head of Laboratory at the Spanish Institute of Animal Genetics and Reproduction (IEGRA). 
  • Professor of Veterinary Degree at the Alfonso X el Sabio University.
  • Graduate in Veterinary Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid.
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