
With a more than robust experience in the Urology Service, Dr. Enrique Ramos Barselo has dedicated his life to the Surgical and Pediatric Sector, where throughout his career he has delved into areas such as Pediatric Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Radiology.

His extensive training has allowed him to address specific fields and aspects, making him one of the most complete and versatile doctors in the health sector. Although his specific field of study is Urology, Dr. Enrique Ramos Barselo has also been involved in Minimally Invasive Surgery processes, as well as in Robotic Surgery.

  • Specialist Physician in the Urology Department
  • Assistant Physician of the Urology Service at the University Hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz and the University Hospital Infanta Elena
  • Fellow in Oncological Surgery at the Puigvert Foundation
  • Degree in Medicine from the University of Cantabria
  • Degree in Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca
  • Program in the Management of Postoperative Acute Pain in Ambulatory Surgery
  • Program on the Approach to Erectile Dysfunction
  • International Program of Advances in Urology at the Urology Department of the University Hospital La Fe Polytechnic and University Hospital La Fe
Programmes in collaboration with

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