
Advances in the Treatment of Vertebral Deformities and Dorsolumbar Degenerative Pathology are constantly growing due to technological advances that allow the use of minimally invasive techniques"

Specialize in Advances in the Treatment of Vertebral Deformities and Dorsolumbar Degenerative Pathology and be the best in your profession thanks to this multimedia training" 

There is an increasing trend towards subspecialization within the medical-surgical specialties. There are so many different areas in the human body, that it is difficult to be up to date in the knowledge of a specialty as broad as Spinal Surgery. Hence, the need for a complete and quality scientific program to help and guide in this specific and exciting field. 

With this postgraduate diploma, the professional will have a complete vision of the Advances in the Treatment of Vertebral Deformities and Dorsolumbar Degenerative Pathology. The program will highlight advances in surgical practice and treatments that directly affect patient's quality of life and improvement of pain. These will be transmitted so that the specialists can have the most up-to-date view possible of the knowledge available in the field. For this purpose, experts in Spinal Surgery from Spain and South America will collaborate with us.

This intensive training will teach the surgical techniques that are currently setting trends in the sector, used in the Specialized Surgery Centers. This will allow the professional, in addition to expanding his personal knowledge, to be able to apply it with greater skill in his daily clinical practice. 

Expand your knowledge through this postgraduate diploma in AAdvances in the Treatment of Vertebral Deformities and Dorsolumbar Degenerative Pathology that will allow you to specialize until you achieve excellence in this field" 

This postgraduate diploma in Advances in the Treatment of Vertebral Deformities and Dorsolumbar Degenerative Pathology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include: 

  • Theoretical multimedia content developed with the latest educational technologies, accessible at all times. 
  •  Video lessons on the different pathologies, as well as surgeries, will be shown.
  • Practical workshops in which clinical cases of daily practice are developed, which will help in decision making, through diagnostic and treatment algorithms.
  • Practical cases that will serve as self-evaluation and will mark the progress of the specialist's knowledge.
  • Online surgical procedures, performed in the daily practice of these advances, live or previously recorded.
  • Theoretical lessons, via videoconference, with the possibility of participating in a discussion forum to comment and clarify doubts.
  • Chats for consultation of doubts about clinical cases with the students participating in the Postgraduate Diploma.
  • Possibility to interact with the professors of the Postgraduate Diploma and to solve in a simulated environment, pathologies that arise in their daily practice.
  • Review of all the classic techniques that have not changed the way they work, and are the basis of the knowledge to come.  

This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make in the selection of an updating program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Advances in the Treatment of Vertebral Deformities and Dorsolumbar Degenerative Pathology, you will obtain a certificate from TECH Global University" 

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of surgery, who contribute their work experience to this training, as well as renowned specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the specialist must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in Advances in the Treatment of Vertebral Deformities and Dorsolumbar Degenerative Pathology.  

We offer you the best didactic material and dozens of video case studies that will allow you a contextual study that will facilitate your learning 

This 100% online postgraduate diploma will allow you to combine your studies with your professional work while increasing your knowledge in this field” 


The Postgraduate Diploma in Advances in the Treatment of Vertebral Deformities and Dorsolumbar Degenerative Pathology is oriented to facilitate the performance of the professional dedicated to health with the latest advances and newest treatments in the sector.   This will allow you to develop the skills that will turn your daily clinical practice into a bastion of the standards of the best available scientific evidence, with a critical, innovative, multidisciplinary and integrative sense"

This is the best option to learn about the latest in Advances in the Treatment of Vertebral Deformities and Degenerative Dorsolumbar Pathology" 

General Objectives

  • Establish biological, biomechanical, indication, procedure and result analysis criteria in Spinal Fusion
  • Learn the surgical steps of the cervical surgical procedure
  • Evaluate the patient's spine correctly and effectively
  • Know how to recognize those pathologies that represent a serious and urgent disease, and may compromise the life or functionality of a patient 
  • Know the current options in the management of spinal tumor through decision making processes, therapeutic planning, surgical techniques and perioperative care
  • Analyze the classifications of primary tumors, as well as the importance of obtaining the correct biopsy
  • Know the management of vertebral metastases
  • Correctly select and interpret the most appropriate radiographic, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the diagnosis of traumatic spinal injuries
  • Analyze the appropriate plan to prevent complications of spinal cord trauma
  • Know the main complications that occur in Minimally Invasive Surgery in elderly patients
  • Learn what are the neurological complications in spinal surgery 

Specific Objectives

  • Know the anatomical areas of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral spine, as well as their surgical approaches
  • Know the anatomy of the usual sites of access to the spine by Minimally Invasive Techniques
  • Learn what lumbar canal stenosis is and its clinical features
  • Identify key structures and assess risks related to local vascular and neurological anatomy
  • Identify by Fluoroscopy the targets for posterior and lateral approaches to the lumbar spine
  • Perform a minimally invasive lateral approach to the L2-L3, L3-L4 and L4-L5 discs
  • Address the disc using Neuro-monitoring and tubular system
  • Know how and when to perform laminectomies and foraminotomies
  • Identify entry points for insertion of the pedicle screw
  • Prepare the pedicles for insertion of the lumbar pedicle screws
  • Learn and review the neural anatomy of the lumbar spine
  • Conversion of the approach to a mini lumbotomy and access to the disc by rejection of the psoas muscle
  • Perform a facetectomy, prepare the intervertebral disc and vertebral plates
  • Performance of discectomy
  • Insert Intersomatic Boxes
  • Know the advances in the design of new fixation and intersomatic implants
  • Learn the diagnosis and treatment of coronal and sagittal spinal deformities
  • Know the types of scoliosis depending on the age of onset
  • Identify risk factors and know the diagnostic tests and evolutionary patterns
  • Learn conservative therapies for the treatment of scoliosis. The use of corsets and functional therapies
  • Know the surgical treatment algorithms of the different scoliosis, taking into consideration the new technologies
  • Understand surgical principles and how they apply to each patient's needs and expectations
  • Know the frequent complications and postoperative management of these patients.
  • Know the main benign tumors of the spine
  • Know how to apply the indications in percutaneous surgery
  • Learn the latest advances in surgical treatment
  • Know how to identify major and minor trauma
  • Learn the management and use of radiological images
  • Know how to define the indications for the appropriate use of CT or MRI
  • Recognize special circumstances that compromise spinal cord function
  • Learn to formulate treatment objectives
  • Know how to explain how to restore sagittal balance
  • Learn to evaluate surgical options
  • Know how to justify the approach by a multidisciplinary team
  • Know the surgical complications in minimally invasive surgical procedures in elderly patients
  • Know the advances in the use of new instrumentation, in the improvement of manufacturing materials and in the use of new grafts

cursos avances en el tratamiento de las deformidades vertebrales y patología degenerativa dorsolumbar

A unique specialization program that will allow you to acquire advanced training in this field"

Postgraduate Diploma in Advances in the Treatment of Vertebral Deformities and Dorsolumbar Degenerative Pathology


Advances in the treatment of vertebral deformities and dorsolumbar degenerative pathology have revolutionized the way we approach these conditions, offering patients new therapeutic options and improving their quality of life. If you are looking for a program that will provide you with the necessary knowledge to work in this sector, you have come to the right place. At TECH Global University you will find the Postgraduate Diploma in Advances in the Treatment of Vertebral Deformities and Dorsolumbar Degenerative Pathology that will help you fulfill this purpose in an agile and efficient way. Through the study plan, taught 100% online, you will explore the latest advances in the treatment of vertebral deformities and dorsolumbar degenerative pathology, obtaining a comprehensive view of the most advanced knowledge and techniques in this field of medicine. Here, you will explore the role of regenerative medicine and gene therapy in the treatment of these conditions.

Get your degree from the world's largest online medical school


Vertebral deformities such as scoliosis and kyphosis, as well as dorsolumbar degenerative pathology, can have a significant impact on patients' quality of life. In this regard, it is essential for healthcare professionals to be aware of the latest advances in order to provide optimal and personalized treatment. For this reason, TECH created this complete Postgraduate Diploma, with which you will obtain the tools required to become a specialist. Throughout the course, you will explore the anatomical and physiological bases of vertebral deformities and dorsolumbar degenerative pathology. In addition, you will analyze the latest research and technological advances in the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions. Finally, you will address a wide range of topics, including minimally invasive surgical techniques, rehabilitation therapies, the use of supportive devices and the application of advanced imaging technologies.