
Expand your training with us and you will see how you advance in your daily practice"

Alcohol and tobacco consumption and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection can increase the risk of developing any type of head or neck cancer. Most of these diseases are usually diagnosed around the age of 50, but early detection is essential for the successful eradication of these tumors.

This module reinforces cognitive diagnostic strategies, and emphasizes the pathologist as a key member of the multidisciplinary team responsible for correct diagnosis and assignment of therapy.

In this postgraduate certificate in Head and Neck Tumors, the professional will have the opportunity to specialize in this subject and will be able to develop the competencies, abilities and skills that are conducive to the performance of the profession, generating greater added value to your professional performance. The program is organized as a theoretical-practical review of the relevant aspects of head and neck pathology with cytological and histological correlation. It has been designed to be very interactive where the student will have access to a large gallery of images and updated bibliography of the topics covered.

This online course is developed by medical professionals who have extensive experience in this pathology, and who provide students with their knowledge, experience and practical cases that give this course the quality training it deserves. 

Update your knowledge through the program of the postgraduate certificate in Head and Neck Tumors"

This postgraduate certificate in Head and Neck Tumors includes the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most outstanding features of the University Course are:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Head and Neck Tumors
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional
  • News on head and neck tumors
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in head and neck tumors
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is Accessible from any Fixed or Portable device with an Internet Connection

This postgraduate certificate may be the best investment you can make in the selection of a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Head and Neck Tumors, you will obtain a postgraduate certificate issued by TECH Global University"

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of Head and Neck Tumors., who bring to this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists belonging to reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training program designed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts in the field of Head and Neck Tumors. with extensive medical experience. 

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge through this postgraduate certificate"

Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in Head and Neck Tumors, and improve the training of your students"


This postgraduate certificate in Head and Neck Tumors is oriented to facilitate the performance of the professional dedicated to medicine with the latest advances and newest treatments in the sector. 

This postgraduate certificate is designed for you to update your knowledge in Head and Neck Tumors., with the use of the latest medical technology and scientific advances to contribute to promote the health and quality of life of patients"

General Objective

  • The main goal of this training in head and neck tumors is to update the professional's knowledge on this subject, as well as the most advanced treatments and advances that are saving the lives of women affected by this disease

Specific Objectives

  • Recognize the characteristics of malignant neoplasms, their classification according a their histogenesis, as well as aspects related to their biological behavior
  • Acquire up-to-date knowledge on cancer epidemiological data worldwide
  • Learn about screening methods in at-risk populations to diagnose cancerous lesions early
  • Recognize the environmental and occupational factors (mutagenic agents) that are directly and indirectly involved in cancer, and the carcinogenic capacity of some toxic substances found in food
  • Relate DNA and RNA viruses known to cause cancer in humans
  • Expose the mechanisms by which viruses are able to subjugate the normal activity of host cytoplasmic proteins, affecting key points in the control of the cell cycle, cell growth and differentiation, causing severe alterations in cell growth and cancer development
  • Recognize the role of H. pylori bacteria in the pathogenesis of gastric cancer
  • Understand cancer as a genetic disease resulting from mutations that accumulate in genes that are critical for the growth and development of somatic cells
  • Describe the genes associated with cancer, and the importance of DNA analysis to identify individuals, detect predisposing gene polymorphisms, analyze mutations, and establish the diagnosis of cancer as a genetic disease
  • Recognize the susceptibility genes involved in breast, lung, thyroid, colon, skin, bone, pancreatic, and neuroblastoma cancers, and by what mechanism they participate in tumorigenesis
  • Know the symptoms and signs that are most frequently related to cancer, as well as the different systems for the staging of tumor disease and their importance
  • Know the phases of the cell cycle, the critical control points, as well as the genes involved in its regulation
  • Recognize the important role of cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair systems in maintaining the fidelity and integrity of genome replication and repair, and regulating cell cycle dynamics
  • Explain the positive and negative feedback regulatory processes that contribute to cell cycle progression, and the significance of negative controls on cell cycle progression that are present during development, differentiation, senescence, and cell death, which play an important role in preventing tumorigenesis
  • Identify the difference in gene expression between normal tissue and tumor tissue
  • Know the stages involved in the transformation of a normal cell to a malignant cell
  • Recognize the malignant phenotype as the result of a characteristic pattern of gene expression, alterations in the function of the human genome, leading to aberrant growth, dedifferentiation, invasion and metastasis
  • Characterize the different genes involved in cell cycle regulation (growth-promoting genes, growth-inhibiting genes, genes that regulate apoptosis and genes that repair damaged DNA), and the mutations that alter them
  • Explain the key role that oncogenes may play in the development of cancer by directing mechanisms that lead to the development of neoplasms
  • Know tumor suppressor genes as cytoplasmic components capable of reversing the tumor phenotype; proteins that control the cell cycle, proliferation, and differentiation
  • Identify epigenetic aberrations (DNA methylation with silencing of gene expression, and histone modifications that can enhance or dampen expression), which contribute to the malignant properties of cells
  • Recognize the role of epigenetic changes in malignant phenotype, including gene expression, control of differentiation, and sensitivity and resistance to anticancer therapy
  • Know the genes and proteins associated with malignant diseases and their utility as tumor markers to define a particular entity, its diagnosis, staging, prognosis, and screening in the population
  • Know and apply the different technologies used to analyze the gene expression profile of neoplasms to identify clinical and biological aspects that are difficult to determine by histopathological examination. Its principles, advantages, and disadvantages
  • Explain the importance of gene expression profiling for the application of different treatment protocols and the response to them among histologically similar tumors
  • Recognize the importance of gene expression profiling in the new classifications of malignant tumors associated with prognosis and response to treatment
  • Delve into the histological and molecular details of the major tumors of the head and neck, as well as the role of prognostic biomarkers in many of them
  • Update and expand the knowledge of oral cancer precursor lesions, as well as tumor pathology of the oral mucosa and salivary glands through the study of the diagnostic difficulties of both histological and molecular characteristics of these diseases

diplomado online tumores de cabeza y cuello

A unique, key and decisive training experience to boost your professional development" 

Postgraduate Certificate in Head and Neck Tumors

If you are a medical professional and would like to specialize in head and neck tumors, TECH Global University offers a Postgraduate Certificate in this area through its online study platform. This program will provide you with the necessary tools to identify, diagnose and treat head and neck tumors, as well as allow you to deepen your knowledge of the various adjacent pathologies. With a theoretical and practical preparation, the Postgraduate Certificate in Head and Neck Tumors of TECH Global University is designed to adapt to your pace of study, allowing you to advance at your own pace and at the time that best suits you. In addition, this program has a team of highly qualified professionals in the field of medicine, who will be at your disposal to resolve any doubts or concerns you may have during your learning process.

The Postgraduate Certificate is designed to be adapted to your pace of study, allowing you to advance at your own pace and at the time that best suits you.

Learn about tumors in the largest Faculty of Medicine

TECH Global University is recognized for offering high quality study programs with a wide variety of options in areas such as medicine, engineering and technology. Its online study platform will allow you to access its academic offerings from anywhere and at any time, giving you the flexibility you need to study and advance your career goals. We also have innovative teaching methodologies and diverse exclusive multimedia content that is at the forefront of the latest advances in medicine, making us leaders in the field. In conclusion, if you are interested in specializing in head and neck tumors, the TECH Global University Postgraduate Certificate is an excellent option for you. Take advantage of the opportunity to study online with one of the most recognized universities in the field of medicine and get the knowledge you need to excel in your professional career.