
Incorporate into your daily work the main technological and therapeutic innovations for the neurorehabilitation of patients with orofacial pathology through this intensive and rigorous TECH program”


With scientific and technological advances, the discipline of Speech Neurorehabilitation has managed to develop new protocols and tools, requiring physicians to be consciously qualified in all its new developments. However, keeping up to date on these aspects can be cumbersome when educational programs with an excessive theoretical load abound. With such study models, the graduates are not able to complete their educational preparation with the indispensable knowledge to apply specific techniques and devices from the very first moment after completing their studies.

This TECH program overcomes all these disadvantages with an innovative pedagogical modality that includes a 100% practical, on-site and immersive internship. For its development, the health professional will move to a prestigious hospital institution, equipped with the latest healthcare resources for the care of patients with conditions such as Hypophonia generated by Parkinson's, Dysphagia, Aphasia, among others. From there, students will have the opportunity to learn the handling of all these instruments and procedures from the direct approach of real patients.

In addition, at all times, they will have the personalized guidance of an assistant tutor. This academic figure will be in charge of helping you to expand your competencies through a dynamic and direct education. Likewise, you will be able to work together with great experts who will share their experiences and clarify doubts or concepts of interest to promote the active preparation of the specialist. This program, pioneer in its type, has a duration of 3 weeks, to be completed in 8-hour days, from Monday to Friday. At the end of this period, graduates will be able to incorporate their new knowledge into their daily medical work seamlessly and with the best results guaranteed.


Enjoy an intensive 3-week internship at a prestigious center and update yourself on the latest clinical procedures in order to grow professionally"

Why our program?

Keeping up to date on the latest trends in Speech Neurorehabilitation and Vital Functions Analysis can be challenging for healthcare professionals. This is largely due to the prevalence of educational programs with a high theoretical burden on the latest developments in the field. In other words, specialists do not have in their hands a pedagogical tool to correct them in the development of specific care techniques for the improvement of skills. However, with this program, this problem is solved by means of an innovative study method that is 100% practical, on-site and lasts only 3 weeks.

vocational apprenticeships speech neurorehabilitation vital function analysis orofacial myofunctional therapy TECH Global University

You will delve, directly and with real patients, into the new techniques of relaxation, control and recovery of muscle tone that orofacial therapy offers to patients with Cerebral Palsy"

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

Speech Neurorehabilitation has expanded its scope through new technological tools such as Neurostimulation, Neurofeedback, among others. Handling these devices requires adequate specialization and rigorous practical skills. TECH offers the physician all of them throughout an intensive educational stay of 120 hours of duration.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

Throughout this clinical practice, the health professional will work together with great experts in Speech Neurorehabilitation. At their side, they will be able to directly appreciate the development of new care protocols within this health area. In addition, they will be advised by an assistant tutor, who will also be in charge of supervising and ensuring the academic progress of the graduate.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

TECH has made a detailed selection of the facilities where this Practical Training will take place. Therefore, each of the chosen centers has the most remarkable technological resources in relation to the Speech Neurorehabilitation. Also, it has a staff of internationally renowned experts. By means of this high personnel and technical capacity, the graduate will be able to catch up with the greatest ease, speed and flexibility.

4. Putting the Acquired Knowledge into Daily Practice from the Very First Moment

In an educational market where theoretical programs on Speech Neurorehabilitation and Vital Functions Analysis prevail, this program is a refreshing innovation. Its learning model, 100% practical, on-site and immersive, allows the specialist to develop skills through direct contact with real patients. In addition to being totally intensive given its duration of only 3 weeks.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH offers the possibility of carrying out this internship program in centers of international importance. In this way, specialists will expand the frontiers of their knowledge and get up to date with the best experts practicing in distinguished hospitals in different continents. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity that only TECH, the world's largest online university, could guarantee.

professional practices speech neurorehabilitation vital function analysis orofacial myofunctional therapy TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Speech Neurorehabilitation and Vital Functions Analysis. Orofacial and Myofunctional Therapy

The Internship Program in Speech Neurorehabilitation and Vital Functions Analysis: Orofacial and Myofunctional Therapy is an academic program that is gaining more and more importance in the medical field. Orofacial and myofunctional therapy is a technique that focuses on the study and treatment of oral functions, such as breathing, chewing, swallowing, speech and articulation, among others. TECH's Internship Program is designed to provide physicians and health specialists with the skills and tools necessary to address and treat problems related to vital functions, especially in people who have suffered brain injuries or pathologies that affect communication and speech.

The Internship Program is designed to provide physicians and health specialists with the skills and tools necessary to address and treat problems related to vital functions, especially in people who have suffered brain injuries or pathologies that affect communication and speech.

The Internship Program is designed to provide physicians and health specialists with the skills and tools necessary to address and treat problems related to vital functions, especially in people who have suffered brain injuries or pathologies that affect communication and speech.

Train yourself in Speech Neurorehabilitation and Orofacial Therapy

Orofacial and myofunctional therapy is a discipline that falls within the area of speech therapy, and is focused on the rehabilitation of oral functions. Through this technique, it seeks to correct and improve the performance of oral functions, improving the ability of patients to communicate, breathe, chew, swallow and speak clearly and effectively. People who can benefit from orofacial and myofunctional therapy are those who suffer from problems in pronunciation, swallowing, breathing, articulation, chewing or any other oral function. The Internship Program offers clinicians a valuable tool to address and treat problems related to vital functions. Orofacial and myofacial therapy is a highly effective technique for improving the quality of life of patients suffering from oral problems, and this academic program offers a specialized, hands-on study to apply it effectively and successfully in the clinical setting.