
Dr. Marina Soto Sierra is a physician specialized in the areas of Uveitis, Ocular Problems in children and Strabismus. Thanks to her extensive professional experience, she is part of the group of professionals of the Andalusian Ophthalmological Institute, where she offers the service of Diagnosis, Medical Treatment and Surgery of her specialty. 

In addition, she combines her work with publications in different scientific media in her area. Dr. Marina Soto has received several awards, including an outstanding prize for her study on "Malignant melanocytoma of the optic disc". 

  • Medical Specialist in Ophthalmology 
  • Specialist in the Ophthalmology Service of the University Hospital Virgen Macarena in the Uveitis and Ophthalmopediatrics-Strabismus Units. 
  • Clinical Tutor of Ophthalmology
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