
Each person has different physical characteristics, which means that specific training is needed to recover from injuries. Learn the best way to treat each injury with this comprehensive program"


More and more people decide to hire a personal trainer to improve their physical condition, increase their sports performance or heal from certain injuries caused by regular physical exercise. All this makes it necessary to have trained professionals who are up to date with the latest technological developments that can apply these in their rehabilitation techniques and exercises. In this context arises this Professional master’s degree in Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

This program is unique among those that exist in the field, as it is the first that integrates readaptation, rehabilitation, recovery and prevention, both for sports injuries and at a functional level. All this in a single Professional master’s degree of the highest quality and created by professionals with great impact in this field.  

Likewise, this training program has a series of qualities that will give a boost in knowledge to future students. Thus, students will learn about nutritional aspects, such as the importance of the intake of phytochemicals and foods rich in them in the improvement of health, as well as in biological recovery and, above all, the importance of water and hydration as a fundamental part during the entire recovery process.  

On the other hand, the introduction of the pilates method with its different variants, both in readaptation and rehabilitation, is a novelty in terms of academic courses of this type. It also emphasizes preventive work and the essential role of the personal trainer in promoting and prescribing this type of treatment. Training in coaching and business strategies is also very important in order to guarantee the success of the professional business.  

The teaching team of this Professional master’s degree in Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation has carefully selected each of the topics of this program to offer the student a study opportunity as complete as possible and always linked to current events.

Thus, at TECH we have set out to create contents of the highest teaching and educational quality that will turn our students into successful professionals, following the highest quality standards in teaching at an international level. Therefore, we offer you this Professional master’s degree with extensive content that will help you reach the elite of personal training. In addition, as it is an online Professional master’s degree, the student is not bound by fixed schedules or the need to move to another physical location, rather, they can access the content at any time of the day, balancing their professional or personal life with their academic life. 

Immerse yourself in the study of this high-level Professional master’s degree and improve your skills as a personal trainer"

This Professional master’s degree in Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of numerous case studies presented by specialists in personal training
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the course are designed to provide all the essential information required for professional practice
  • It contains exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in personal training
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This Professional master’s degree is the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge as a personal trainer, you will obtain a degree from TECH Global University"

The teaching staff includes professionals from the field of sports science, who bring their experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training that is programmed to train students in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the physician must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by renowned and experienced experts in the prevention and rehabilitation of sports injuries.  

This Professional master’s degree offers training in simulated environments, which provides an immersive learning experience designed to train for real-life situations"


This 100% online Professional master’s degree will allow you to balance your studies with your professional work while increasing your knowledge in this field.


The main objective of this program is the development of theoretical and practical learning, so that the sports science professional can master, in a practical and rigorous way, the application of personal training aimed at sports readaptation, functional rehabilitation and injury prevention. 


Our goal is to achieve academic excellence and help you achieve professional success. Don't hesitate any longer and join us”

General Objectives

  • Acquire specialized knowledge in sports rehabilitation, injury prevention and functional recovery
  • Assess the athlete from the point of view of physical, functional and biomechanical condition to detect aspects that hinder recovery or favor relapses in the injury
  • Design both specific rehabilitation and recovery work as well as comprehensive individualized work 
  • Acquire a specialization in the pathologies of the locomotor system with the highest incidence in the population as a whole
  • Be able to plan prevention, readaptation and functional rehabilitation programs
  • Deepen in the characteristics of the different types of injuries most frequently suffered by athletes nowadays
  • Assess the subject's nutritional needs and make nutritional recommendations and suggest nutritional supplements to support the recovery process
  • Evaluate and monitor the evolutionary process of recovery and/or rehabilitation of an athlete's or user's injury
  • Acquire skills and abilities in readaptation, prevention and recovery, increasing professional possibilities as a personal trainer
  • Differentiate from an anatomical point of view the different parts and structures of the human body
  • Improve the injured athlete's physical condition as part of the integral work with the objective of achieving a better and more efficient recovery after the injury
  • Use coaching techniques that allow is to address the general psychological aspects of the athlete or injured subject and that favor an effective approach from the personal training work
  • Understanding marketing as a key tool for success in personal training in the field of rehabilitation, prevention and functional recovery

Specific Objectives

  • Acquire a better understanding of the different characteristics of the personal trainer profession
  • Integrate the concepts of balance, cardiovascular, strength, plyometrics, speed, agility training, etc. as a key tool for staff in the prevention and readaptation of injuries 
  • Design training programs individualized to the characteristics of the subject in order to achieve better results
  • Identify the risk factors involved in the practice of physical-sports activities
  • Use different types of materials for the planning of different types of exercises in a customized training program
  • Learning Pilates exercises with different types of machines designed to be fundamental in preventive work
  • See Stretching and Postural Re-Education as essential methods for the prevention of injuries and alterations of the locomotor system
  • Manage the different anatomical concepts: axes, planes and anatomical position
  • Differentiate the different elements that make up the locomotor apparatus
  • See the functioning processes of the integrated active and passive locomotor apparatus
  • Use biomechanics of movement as a key tool in the prevention and rehabilitation process
  • Clarify the importance of nutritional, biochemical, genetic and quality of life assessment from the initial period to the end of the process. 
  • Evaluate the different parameters related to physical fitness: strength, speed, flexibility, endurance, etc. 
  • Detect anomalies that hinder or prevent a correct recovery/rehabilitation process. 
  • Determine the etiology of the most frequent injuries that occur in sports practice.
  • Identify the causes of the main injuries in sports.
  • Distinguish the different types of injuries: tendon, muscle, bone, ligament and joint injuries. 
  • Establish exercise and physical activity as a strategy for health improvement. 
  • Classify the different types of exercises according to the planning of the personalized training to be performed. 
  • Differentiate the different types of specific physical exercises according to the muscles or muscle groups to be readapted.  
  • Manage the different techniques applied in the treatment of injuries produced in sports practice 
  • Employ proprioceptive re-education in the whole process of rehabilitation and recovery, as well as for a lower prevalence of injury recurrence. 
  • Plan and design specific programs and protocols with preventive effects. 
  • Manage the different types of sports and essential sports practices as adjuvants during the process of functional rehabilitation and recovery. 
  • Analyze the severity of ligament pathologies and their assessment for a better and more efficient rehabilitation. 
  • Focus on the analysis of joint pathologies due to their high incidence in sports. 
  • Examine the most common pathologies that usually occur in the spine. 
  • Assess pain as an element to be taken into account in the diagnosis of a greater or lesser degree of injury. 
  • Analyze the different possibilities offered by functional training and advanced rehabilitation. 
  • Apply the Pilates method as an integral system for the rehabilitation of the locomotor system in functional recovery. 
  • Plan specific Pilates exercises and programs for the different areas of the locomotor system with and without apparatus. 
  • Approach the concept of integral nutrition as a key element in the process of readaptation and functional recovery. 
  • Distinguish the different structures and properties of both macronutrients and micronutrients. 
  • Prioritize the importance of both water intake and hydration in the recovery process. 
  • Analyze the different types of phytochemicals and their essential role in improving the state of health and regeneration of the organism. 
  • In-depth knowledge of specific elements of the personal trainer profession. 
  • Acquire and understand the different healthy habits and lifestyles, as well as their implementation possibilities. 
  • Apply motivational strategies to achieve better results in the process of sports rehabilitation and functional recovery. 
  • Plan and design spaces that favor a better development of the specific personal training work to be performed. 
  • Understand the personal training process where the relationship with the client and the feedback provided by the client are fundamental to the process. 

The sports field requires trained professionals, and we give you the keys to position yourself among the professional elite"

Professional Master's Degree in Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

To properly guide a sports practice, it is necessary to have a set of skills in the stimulation of physical, nutritional and mental preparation of the athlete. At TECH Global University we offer a comprehensive program, specialized in the biomechanics of movement and its application in the rehabilitation of sprains, strains or fractures, as well as in functional recovery through nutritional planning and coaching. Throughout the twelve months of the Professional Master's Degree, students will address the risk factors in sport that affect the structure of the locomotor system, in order to develop their skills in the identification of common pathologies, such as joint and ligament pathologies. In a second moment, you will deepen in the types of training that facilitate recovery and in the most convenient nutritional plans, according to the situation. He will also explore the motivational tools available to encourage the continuation of physical activity. Thanks to the program, the professional will be able to design personalized programs, where the proposed behavioral changes are aimed at an organic optimization of performance.

Postgraduate program in in Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

With this TECH postgraduate course, it is possible to acquire the skills required to perform outstandingly in the field of personal training. The syllabus has a series of thematic axes that will allow to carry out a complete assessment of the physical-functional condition of the athlete, focused on the detection of the factors that promote the recurrence of the injury and prevent its recovery. In addition, the contents designed by the teaching team also focus on the use of proprioceptive reeducation in each of the stages of the rehabilitation process, in order to avoid the prevalence of complications in the athlete. Based on this theoretical and practical knowledge, the future expert in this area will be able to design and execute preventive protocols that incorporate motor, nutritional and psychological recommendations. All this, in order to promote a better understanding of the exercise of the profession and to expand its range of action, ensuring an effective approach to physical conditioning. In this way, the graduate will be quickly inserted in the labor market, since he/she will be characterized for being a seasoned trainer, concerned with the correct promotion of health.