
With this postgraduate diploma you will be up to date with the most advanced procedures in Emergency Therapeutic Management of the Poisoned Patient" 


This postgraduate diploma is necessary for the Physician who is familiar with the fundamentals of Toxicology, since the extension of the program will provide them with a very broad guide of action protocols to solve in a practical way any situation in this area. Although the field of knowledge covered by Toxicology is very broad, the objective of this program is to provide specialists with sufficient knowledge to assess the poisoned patient and address the ideal protocols in each emergency. 

This academic space is fundamentally directed to the daily practice of the profession, referring to the study of those toxins that come into contact with patients more frequently, minimizing as much as possible the theoretical foundations of the subject and focusing on the clinical care of the poisoned patient.  Through a variety of exemplary real cases, given by the experienced teachers who have been involved in its development.

At the same time, special importance is given to the study of each toxin, so that the physician knows at all times to assess the importance of the patient's condition and to approach their treatment with guaranteed success. The contents of this postgraduate diploma are structured in 4 large groups of topics with a pedagogical coherence.

Any physician who wants or needs to acquire solid knowledge in Toxicology will find in this program all the material they needs to get up to date in terms of life support, diagnosis and specific treatment of poisoned patients, with an extensive list of complementary aspects that make up the most exclusive teaching load. A complete program, available 100% online and through the most secure, dynamic and intuitive platform, which will allow them to complete it in 6 months or 475 hours of study. 

A complete program that covers the medical-legal aspects of toxicological care in the emergency department" 

This postgraduate diploma in Urgent Therapeutic Management of the Poisoned Patient contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Toxicology in the Emergency Room
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This program will provide a greater sense of security in the performance of your daily practice"

The program includes in its teaching staff professionals of the field who pour into this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, in which the professional will have to try to solve the different professional practice situations that will arise throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts. 

Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in Urgent Therapeutic Management of the Poisoned Patient and improve the care of your patients"


The most exclusive and modern online teaching methodology that only TECH can offer you"


The postgraduate diploma in Urgent Therapeutic Management of the Poisoned Patient is aimed at facilitating the physician's actions in all types of patients at serious toxicological risk or with acute intoxication. For this reason, it includes a wide syllabus with all the most relevant and updated aspects of assessment and life support, from emergencies, to situations with toxic substances, psychotropic drugs, stings or animal bites, among others.  


Update your knowledge with the postgraduate diploma in Urgent Therapeutic Management of the Poisoned Patient"

General Objectives

  • Define the basic and general principles of care for the severely poisoned patient 
  • Identify the main toxics available in our environment
  • Describe the main signs and symptoms related to severe acute poisoning and its organ involvement 
  • Implement mechanisms to protect the severely poisoned patients and those around them 
  • Detect complications related to the related toxicant or to the patient's health status 
  • Explain the process of care, diagnosis and treatment of the severely poisoned patient in all its dimensions 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Assessment of the Poisoned Patient 

  • Explain the decontamination procedures in acute dermal poisoning 
  • Define the toxicity mechanisms in the men's and female genitourinary tract 
  • Identify the effects of xenobiotics 
  • Describe the ECG alterations in poisonings that produce cardiac involvement 
  • Recognize the possible arrhythmias to be detected in acute poisonings 
  • Manage the hematological involvement that occurs in acute poisonings 

Module 2. Therapeutic Management of the Poisoned Patient: Life Support 

  • Undertake Screening Procedures for Patients with Smoke Inhalation Poisoning 
  • Determine the therapeutic approach to be carried out in the patient poisoned by inhalation of fumes or other respiratory agents 
  • Establish the differential diagnosis between the different toxic renal syndromes 
  • Identify the clinical pictures that can occur in poisoning with neurological involvement 
  • Describe the systemic repercussion of eye poisoning 
  • Know those toxics substances that cause hepatic affectation and its repercussion at the organic level 
  • Assess violent and self-injurious behaviors in relation to psychiatric toxicology 

Module 3. Therapeutic Management of the Poisoned Patient: Specific Treatment

  • Determine the organic repercussions of Toxicology in athletes and the different products used 
  • Assess poisoning related to possible pharmacological errors in the pediatric patient 
  • Apply specific protocols to be followed in case of overdose in pregnant women 
  • Locate the principles of teratogenesis and all those products that can produce it 
  • Master products that may pose a risk of poisoning to both the mother and the newborn during breastfeeding 
  • Examine the epidemiology, etiology and repercussions of acute poisonings in pediatric and neonatal age 
  • Diagnose the characteristics of intentional and unintentional poisoning in the elderly 

Module 4. Therapeutic Management of the Poisoned Patient: Additional Aspects 

  • Evaluate the toxicokinetics of paracetamol, antihistamines and decongestants and protocols for their management 
  • Recognize the toxicokinetics of antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs and therapeutic strategies against them 
  • Examine the toxicokinetics of opioids, bisphosphonates and antineoplastics and their treatment in case of acute poisoning 
  • Determine the toxicokinetics of antiepileptics, antidiabetics and hypoglycemic agents and their appropriate clinical approach

You will have a teaching team ready to help you with any doubts you may have"

Postgraduate Diploma in Urgent Therapeutic Management of the  Poisoned Patient

The emergency therapeutic management of the poisoned patient is a crucial discipline in the field of medicine that focuses on the immediate and effective care of patients who have been exposed to toxic substances. This comprehensive approach seeks to stabilise the patient, minimise the harmful effects of poisoning and prevent serious complications. Would you like to gain the skills necessary to effectively identify and treat patients in acute poisoning situations? You are in the right place. At TECH Global University you will find a complete Postgraduate Diploma that will help you to achieve this goal. Through a 100% online study methodology and with the guidance of our expert teachers, you will learn the fundamental concepts of emergency therapeutic management, mastering rapid assessment techniques, accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. In this way, you will learn the tools necessary to understand the mechanisms of toxicity, the main toxic agents and the most common routes of exposure.

End up with a Postgraduate Diploma in Urgent Therapeutic Management of the Intoxicated Patient

This comprehensive TECH program is an investment in your professional future, as it will allow you to differentiate yourself and stand out in the job market. You will obtain a university certificate endorsed by a prestigious institution, which will allow you to access new job opportunities. You will also have the flexibility and convenience of an online program that will allow you to adapt your learning to your needs and schedule. Here, we have ensured that we have a team of professional experts in the field, who will teach the classes online, offering an interactive and enriching learning experience. In addition, the program includes case studies and exercises that will allow you to apply the knowledge acquired in real situations, which will help you to consolidate and consolidate your academic preparation. Upon graduation, you will master the latest research in the field of toxicology, which will allow you to keep abreast of the most recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of poisoning. For all this and more, we are your best educational choice - decide to enrol now!