
Dr. Diana Álvarez González is a specialist physician in Pediatrics who specialized at the Pediatric Hospital in Copenhagen. She has spent her career in private practice and as an active communicator on topics such as Breastfeeding, Basic Newborn Care or Nutrition via her social media accounts. 

That is precisely what has allowed her to educate through her channel Doctora Di pediatra on Youtube, where she has more than 230 thousand subscribers, and through her Instagram account and her blog doctoradipediatra.com, where she shares information based on scientific evidence to support parents in the health care of their children.  

  • Pediatrician, private medical practice
  • Attending Physician, Pediatric Emergency Department, Cabueñes Hospital, Gijón
  • Author of her own brand on health communication: Doctor Di pediatra
  • Academic experience at the Pediatric Hospital in Copenhagen.  
  • Graduate in Medicine. University of Barcelona  
  • Master's Degree in Pediatric Emergencies and Urgent Care, International University of Andalusia
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