
The postgraduate diploma in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Viral Infections offers you the opportunity to update your knowledge with the utmost scientific rigor, providing students with the latest advances in the approach to infectious conditions"


Infectious diseases remain the leading cause of mortality and disability (i.e. the loss of a productive life) in the world. In 2016, of the 56.4 million total deaths worldwide, 33% were due to infectious diseases, 30% to cardiovascular diseases and 10% as a result of cancer. The fight against disease can be separated into two categories: infectious diseases and chronic non-communicable diseases.

From the 17.3 million people who died from infection diseases in 2016, the most frequent causes of death were lower respiratory infections (3.7 million), malaria (2.2 million), tuberculosis (1.3 million), diarrhea (1.4 million), and HIV/AIDS infection (1.1 million). The most important factors to take into consideration regarding infectious diseases are demographics and human behavior, technological and industrial development, economic development and the variations in land use, intercontinental travelling and commerce, climate change, microbiotic adaptation and finally the disappearance or reduction of efficient public health measures.

These factors mean that it would be wrong to consider any part of the planet to be isolated enough from the rest, nor the appearance, reappearance or dissemination of imported or apparently eradicated infectious diseases in our environment to be impossible. 

This century’s complex international epidemiological situation, so far exemplified by the deliberate release of Bacillus anthracis spores as a bioweapon which causes pulmonary anthrax in victims when inhaled, the emergence of West Nile virus as a pathogen in the United States, the SARS epidemic, the zoonotic spread of monkeypox in the United States, the threat of pandemic influenza, the Ebola epidemic in Africa, the emergence of yellow fever cases in Angola, coupled with the re-emergence of Dengue and Cholera.The emergence of new arboviruses in locations like Chikungunya and more recently Zika in the Americas. Together with the mortality rate from other endemic infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, leptospirosis, tuberculosis, community-acquired pneumonia and our increased resistance to antibiotics with the development of multidrug-resistant bacteria, all of which highlight the need for professionals with specialist expertise in order to raise the performance levels of all the personnel needed to face up to the challenges involved in controlling and dealing with biological, hospital and public health emergencies and provide a higher standard of health care the world over.

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about advances in the treatment of infections to incorporate them into your daily medical practice”

This postgraduate diploma in Diagnosis and Treatment of Viral Infections contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of clinical cases presented by experts in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Viral Infections
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • New developments in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Viral Infections
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make in the selection of a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Diagnosis and Treatment of Viral Infections, you will obtain a degree from TECH Global University"

TECH’s teaching staff is made up of prestigious and renowned professionals with an extensive careers in health care, teaching and research, who have worked in many countries and on several continents, developing a professional teaching experience that delivers the most essential and highest quality content.

The methodological design of this postgraduate diploma, developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, integrates the latest advances in educational technology for the creation of numerous multimedia educational tools that allow the professional, based primarily on the problem-solving method, to face the solution of real problems in their daily clinical practice, all of which will allow them to advance in the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills that will positively impact their future professional work.

It should be noted that all the contents generated for this postgraduate diploma, as well as the videos, self-evaluations, clinical cases and exams have been thoroughly reviewed, updated, and integrated by the professors and the team of experts that make up TECH’s staff. This will facilitate the learning process with a step-by-step approach in order to achieve the program’s teaching objectives.

This is the most complete and up-to-date program in the treatment of viral infections"


Seize the moment and empower yourself with the most up-to-date knowledge on the management of coronavirus infections"


The main purpose of the teaching program is to provide education and professional development so that physicians can throughly master the most current scientific findings in the field of clinically infectious diseases. In addition to developing the skills that will allow them to approach outbreaks of infectious diseases in individuals and communities with more confidence and security.


This program will provide you with a sense of confidence in your medical practice, which will help you grow personally and professionally”

General objectives

  • Update your knowledge and develop your skills in healthcare, teaching or research roles in the field of infectious diseases in order to provide care for individuals or groups 
  • Improve the medical attention and the overall health of patients with infectious diseases based on integral care, the application of the epidemiological clinical method and the correct use of antimicrobials in correspondence with the most up-to-date scientific evidence

Specific objectives

Module 1. Clinical Research into Infectious Diseases

  • Know the principles of the clinical method in the process of the diagnosis of infectious diseases
  • Manage Epidemiology in the study of infectious diseases
  • Learn, in depth, about clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine
  • Understand the behavior of infectious diseases in the population
  • Know how to deal with epidemic outbreaks

Module 2. Viral and Antiviral Diseases

  • Develop the principles of virology and understand the epidemiology of viral infections
  • Study the different types of viral hemorrhagic diseases, arbovirosis, herpetic or exanthematous viral diseases, among others
  • Recognize the main antivirals for respiratory infections and understand how they work

Module 3. HIV/AIDS Infection

  • Determine the epidemiology of HIV and its mortality rate globally and by geographic region
  • Identify the main groups vulnerable to this infection
  • Associate major and minor opportunistic diseases and to know the techniques for their prophylaxis
  • Provide comprehensive care for people living with HIV/AIDS based on the Cuban Model

Improve patient care by taking advantage of the postgraduate diploma in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Viral Infections offered by TECH "

Postgraduate Diploma in Diagnosis and Treatment of Viral Infections

The Postgraduate Diploma program in Diagnosis and Treatment of Viral Infections of TECH Global University, is aimed at increasing the scientific preparation of pharmacy personnel related to the dispensing of drugs and timely investigation of infectious diseases, with a predominantly professional understanding, which favors the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills that will determine an improvement in the quality of pharmaceutical care of patients with infectious diseases, resulting in better morbidity and mortality rates for these pathologies in the population. This Postgraduate Diploma is aimed at health professionals seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in the clinical management of viral infections, such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other specialists in related areas. Students will be able to acquire up-to-date, evidence-based competencies in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of viral infectious diseases. During the program, students will deepen their knowledge in diagnostic techniques and the latest treatment protocols for viral diseases such as HIV, Influenza, Dengue, Zika, Herpes and other emerging viruses. Participants will learn to identify the clinical features of these infections, interpret laboratory test results and establish comprehensive and effective treatment plans for each case.

Why study at TECH?

TECH Global University is ranked by Forbes as the best digital university in the world, since we have 10,000 university programs in 10 different languages, we also have the best teachers in the world specialized in different fields of knowledge. The program is taught in online format, which allows students flexibility in terms of schedules and geographic location, and provides access to a state-of-the-art educational platform, with multimedia resources and interactive materials. We are waiting for you, enroll now!