
The internship program of this program is a unique opportunity to learn from specialists currently working in the sector and to follow models of good practice. The clinical internship will be developed over three weeks in which the student will have a schedule of 8 hours from Monday to Friday, which will be very useful for them. The stay at the hospital will enable students to be able to recognize and identify the diagnosis of emergency cases and establish priorities in their actions.


In this completely practical internship program, the activities are aimed at developing and perfecting the skills necessary to provide healthcare care in areas and conditions that require highly qualified professionals, and are oriented towards specific expertise for practicing the activity, in a safe environment for the patient and with highly professional performance.

Thanks to TECH, the student will be part of one of the reference hospital centers recognized for its care in the Emergency Department. In this way, they will be able to learn in real time what they will encounter in their day-to-day work. In addition, by studying the theoretical concepts beforehand, they will be able to put them into practice and solve their doubts with the experts of the sector also afterwards.

The practical teaching will be carried out with the active participation of the student performing the activities and procedures of each area of knowledge (learning to learn and learning to do), with the accompaniment and guidance of teachers and other fellow trainees that facilitate teamwork and multidisciplinary integration as transversal competencies for the practice of clinical medicine (learning to be and learning to relate).

The procedures described below will form the basis of the practical part of the training, and their implementation is subject to both the suitability of the patients and the availability of the center and its workload, with the proposed activities being as follows:

Emergency Department Management Methods

  • Development of management plans and quality of care in the Emergency Department
  • Establish triage protocols using the new IT and technological systems in the health area
  • Carry out clinical simulations in the Emergency Department to improve communication and efficiency of the service
  • Manage donation processes and end-of-life care in the Emergency Department, always taking into account the legal aspects and the principles of Bioethics in this service

Diagnostic Techniques and Advanced Life Support in Emergencies

  • Apply the AHA and ERC protocols in advanced life support in the Emergency Department
  • Perform rapid intubation sequence according to the latest clinical postulates
  • Perform resuscitation tasks, applying advanced life support to patients of different age ranges and with different conditions and pathologies
  • Apply Artificial Intelligence to diagnostic imaging methods, especially in Radiography
  • Perform diagnostic tests and patient follow-up using Clinical Ultrasound
  • Perform ultrasound-guided procedures in central and peripheral venous access, arterial and lumbar puncture, as well as pericardiocentesis, paracentesis and thoracentesis

Rare and Infectious Diseases and Toxicology in the Emergency Department

  • Develop and apply protocols for rare and infectious diseases in the Emergency Department
  • Detect and act in the presence of rare diseases in the ED, especially in cases of Hereditary Angiodema, Porphyria or congenital coagulopathies
  • Apply the most accurate diagnostic approaches to cases of drugs of abuse, chemsex and alternative medicine 
  • Use the EPI in risk environments, according to the protocols of action in infectious diseases
  • Transfer and move quickly and safely, according to the latest existing protocols, the patient who requires it to the High Isolation Unit
  • Act according to the most up-to-date postulates on Coronavirus in the infected patient

Train in an institution that can offer you all these possibilities, with an innovative academic program and a human team capable of developing you to the maximum"

Why our program?

In the healthcare field, professional updating must go beyond theory. However, there are few academic options that offer active and comprehensive learning in Emergency Medicine. For this reason, TECH has designed this program, with which the student will be able to get up to date in a 100% practical way in the latest protocols, techniques and procedures of action in this clinical field. In this way, the physician will be able to go into a completely real environment where they will have access to real patients, always accompanied by experts from the center where the internship will take place.

vocational apprenticeships advanced emergency medicine TECH Global University

You won't find an option like this that gives you access to real hospital environments where you can be up-to-date on the latest advances in Emergency Medicine”

1. Updating from the latest technology available

The Emergency Department is under pressure situations that require constant up-to-date protocols and techniques. Within this review, technology and equipment play an important role, as they are a fundamental part in the care of patients who need immediate care and treatment. With this in mind, TECH offers this completely practical program that can be carried out in centers equipped with the latest equipment and devices, allowing the student to access a work environment where the most innovative postulates prevail.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

One of the bases of this academic program is the possibility of delving into the latest developments in this medical discipline with specialists of great prestige. Therefore, the student will be accompanied at all times by leading experts from the clinical center itself, who will be responsible for updating the student in this area. In addition, they will have a specifically designated tutor, ensuring that the professional experiences a high level of pedagogical practice.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

The centers that TECH has selected for its programs have a great prestige, and will allow the professional to develop in demanding professional environments. Therefore, they will be able to update their knowledge in the field of Emergency Medicine in a renowned clinic, being able to take advantage of their experience there to incorporate the most advanced scientific postulates into their daily work.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

One of the keys to this program is its practical and dynamic perspective, as it has been specifically designed so that the physician can immediately integrate the latest developments in the complex area of Emergency Medicine into their daily work.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

This internship program can be carried out in centers of international scope, which will favor the student's professional development. In this way, they will be able to come into contact with specialists who are working in clinics and hospitals of global recognition, expanding their own horizons towards new opportunities in environments of great health care prestige.

external internship advanced emergency medicine TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Advanced Emergency Medicine

Due to the rapid scientific and technological advances that have produced research in medicine, it is essential to have experts who remain at the forefront of these changes. In this way, at TECH Global University we developed the Internship Program in Advanced Emergency Medicine, a program oriented to address the most important components of emergency care in order to provide professionals with a complete preparation in the latest scientific developments in this area through a real and face-to-face scenario.

Specialize in the area of advanced emergency care

By putting your knowledge into practice in a hospital center, you will be able to broaden your skills in the theoretical, technical and practical aspects of emergency health care. In this way, you will become familiar with the fundamental aspects of emergency department management and recognize the importance of quality of care and patient safety as a guide for all healthcare interventions. In addition, you will deepen your knowledge and practical tools of biosafety, review medical-legal and bioethical aspects and acquire the ability to develop protocols for action in risk situations. All this will allow you to perform skillfully in the recognition and identification of emergency cases. Take the definitive step in your career.

Study at the largest Faculty of Medicine

At TECH Global University we have the largest Faculty of Medicine. Through a scientific program of excellence, you will have the opportunity to access a first-rate hospital, equipped with the most advanced technological and human resources. This Internship Program lasts three weeks in consecutive eight-hour days, from Monday to Friday, which will guarantee you to strengthen your skills to solve complex situations in real environments. With this program you will revalue your professional profile to stand out in an increasingly competitive environment.