
Driven by the vocation of satisfying the lives of people and their families through their adequate cardiac health, Dr. Luis García Guereta chose to specialize in Pediatric Cardiology. After years performing his medical practice with the highest quality, he has come to occupy various prominent positions, being head of the Pediatric Cardiology Section at the La Paz University Hospital.  

Parallel to his work, he has also developed his professional career in the academic field. Proof of this is that he has authored and co-authored a wide range of scientific articles on topics related to pediatric cardiology, studying the particularities of transplants in children or the approach to congenital heart disease.  

  • Specialist in Pediatric Cardiology
  • Head of the Pediatric Cardiology Section at the La Paz University Hospital. 
  • Physician of the Pediatric Cardiology Service at the La Paz University Hospital. 
  • Author of numerous scientific publications 
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