
Alberto García Barrios has accumulated several years of experience developing the veterinary praxis and specializing in dealing with oncology patients. Throughout these years, he has worked in various veterinary clinics, providing detailed attention to each animal to ensure their welfare.

On the other hand, she has left her mark in the field of research and scientific dissemination, participating in the R&D project Development and preclinical validation of a therapeutic system for cancer patients based on hyperthermia with nanoliposomes and immunotherapy. As a result of his studies, he has written several scientific articles published in veterinary journals, and with the desire to adequately train future professionals, he has also taught at the university level.

  • Veterinary Expert in Oncology
  • Veterinarian at the Utebo Veterinary Clinic. 
  • Veterinarian at the Casetas Veterinary Clinic
  • R&D Researcher at Nanoscale Biomagnetics
  • Author of several scientific articles
  • Professor in university studies of Veterinary Medicine
  • PhD in Veterinary Medicine
  • Degree in Veterinary Medicine
  • Postgraduate in Veterinary Oncology by Improve International
Programmes in collaboration with

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