
Predicting the future of the video game industry is unfeasible. However, with our program you will acquire the necessary knowledge so that you will be the one who participates in the advances” 


Just as the video game industry is growing, so is the film industry. Rigging, and 3D animation in general, are bringing about major changes in the way movies are produced. For example, in the past, if an actor was unable to continue filming, the film production had to be completely reorganized Today, technological advances make it possible to reproduce the actor's appearance with hyper-realistic results. This is why the demand for the Rigger profile is growing steadily. 

Therefore, TECH has developed an extensive curriculum specialized in Rigging for characters. Where theoretical concepts are supported with practical material, process guides and tools required by the role of Rigger.

However, TECH is aware that Rigging can be one of the most complex jobs in the industry. For this reason, the contents of the professional master’s degree have been arranged exponentially. Going from the general to the specific and from the simple to the complex. So that the student can come to understand the most advanced concepts.  

On the other hand, the program is based on Autodesk Maya, the most used software in the videogame and 3D film industry. Operative on Windows, Linux and MacOS with a free license for educational purposes. 

The entire professional master’s degree in Design and Creation of 3D Characters for Animation and Video Games will be taught in online mode, without schedules, and with 100% of the contents available from the first moment. It will only require a device with internet access. Therefore, each student will be able to organize independently, facilitating family and work conciliation. 

Convert your Passion into your profession. Thanks to TECH you will start to create the characters that will be part of your video game"

This professional master’s degree in Design and Creation of 3D Characters for Animation and Video Games contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Rigging and Set-Up of video game characters for video games 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Using virtual reality glasses is like peeking into the window of the future of video games. Enroll in this professional master’s degree and take the leap to the other side” 

The program includes, in its teaching staff, professionals from the sector who bring to this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities.

Theultimerdia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

The video game sector is booming, and its possibilities are endless. Enroll in this qualification and start developing the Video Games of the future"


There are more and more movies, series and video games. Do not lag behind and become a professional Rigging thanks to this qualification"


The professional will obtain a high specialization in advanced Rigging techniques for 3D characters. Among the main learning focuses are the use of relevant software, the analysis of 3D models for rigging and the design of systems and mechanisms of the character adjusted to the nature of the production. The purpose of the program is, therefore, to provide the professional with specialized tools and skills that allow him/her to cover all types of Rigging assignments for cinema or video games. Regardless of the technical specifications or the nature of the character. 


Relying on TECH you can become a Rigging professional capable of tackling any kind of assignment in the field of film and video games”

General objectives

  • Acquire advanced rigging techniques for 3D characters
  • Learn how to use the latest software
  • Analyze 3D models for rigging purposes
  • Propose systems and mechanisms of the character adjusted to the nature of the production
  • Provide the tools and specialized skills to tackle rigging jobs in film or video games

Specific objectives

Module 1. Rigging

  • Conceive the role of the Rigger 
  • To understand in a specialized way the production chain 
  • Know the differences between film and video game production 
  • Identify the production phases of a rigging process 
  • Identify the fundamental parts of a rig 
  • Master the Autodesk Maya software as a rigging tool 
  • To know in a professional way the different types of systems and elements that can compose a character rig 
  • Master the job search system in the industry 

Module 2. Body Deformation Rigging

  • To know in a specialized way the deformation rigging and its relevance 
  • To set up the bone system by studying the pose of the model 
  • Conceive the possible errors that can occur in deformation rigging 
  • To create in a professional way a bone chain by means of Joints type elements
  • Know how to correctly orient and place bones in the deformation system 
  • To perform in a professional way a correct methodology in the painting process to understand the influences on the geometry 
  • Conceive how all the tools available in Autodesk Maya work for Skinning work 

Module 3. Body control rigging and tool creation with Python

  • Highly knowledgeable about the functions that a control rig has and its relevance
  • Master the standard nomenclature of the elements in the industry 
  • Create and edit NURBS type curve elements for the creation of controls for the Rig 
  • Analyze the character to propose a suitable control Rig 
  • Configure the controls properly to facilitate the animation phase 
  • Conceive Constrain tools and their possibilities  
  • Introduce the Python programming language for tool creation in Autodesk Maya in Autodesk Maya 
  • Develop custom Scripts for Rigging work 

Module 4. Advanced limb rigging

  • Professionally create direct kinematic chains 
  • Professionally create inverse kinematics chains 
  • Create a hybrid FK and IK system for a character 
  • Create custom attributes on Rig elements in a specialized way 
  • Connecting parameters and values through the Node Editor tool 
  • Instantiate attributes in Node Shapes 
  • Analyze the behavior of human body joints 
  • Create automations and systems for character's feet and hands 
  • Create custom tool for the use of FK/IK with Python 
  • Analyze and develop the behavior of quadruped limbs 

Module 5. Advanced Torso, Neck and Head Rigging

  • Conceive the limitations of basic rigging and the needs of the animator
  • To come up with a versatile and advanced system for the torso, neck and head of the character 
  • Master the use of the Spline IK Handle tool for the development of the torso system 
  • Master the use of Clusters type elements 
  • Edit and limit transformations of Rig components 
  • Engineer a character's head locking system through the Node Editor 
  • Build a proper hierarchy of all the elements of a Rig 

Module 6. Advanced Deformation Systems, Rigging of Props and Clothing

  • Develop a Twist type twisting system 
  • Develop a Stretch & Squash type limb stretching and shrinking system
  • Develop a Bendylike flexible limb system for cartoons 
  • Conceive software optimization limitations with computer heavy rigs 
  • Specialized approach to a low-performance proxy system 
  • To design in a professional way a Rig system for the character's clothing and apparel 
  • Propose a Rig system for the character's weapon mechanics

Module 7. Advanced Facial Rigging

  • Identify and analyze the anatomy and facial expressions of the human body 
  • Introduce different types of Rig facial deformation systems
  • Introduce different types of facial rig control systems 
  • Develop Blend Shapes systems, from modeling to configuration
  • Developing a rig system for jaw and tongue 
  • Develop an advanced lip rig system with Sticky Lips capability 
  • Developing eye rig and eyelid movement 
  • Automate facial systems 
  • Incorporate dynamic systems for character hair rigging 
  • Connecting the facial rig to the body rig 

Module 8. Rigging for Video Games

  • Analyze the differences between movie rigs and video games
  • Know the limitations of Rigging in video game engines 
  • To know Unity video game engine in a professional way
  • Configure a Rig in Unity with Humanoid system 
  • Adapt a cinematic rig for video games 
  • Exporting and importing our Rig in the game engine 
  • Designing online resources for rigging and animation in videogames  
  • Adapt Rigs and online animations to our character 

Module 9. Muscle Systems

  • Specialized knowledge of the use of muscular systems in film productions
  • Analyze the muscular anatomy of the human body
  • Conceiving the elements involved in a muscular system 
  • Creating and editing capsules from scratch for muscle systems 
  • Learn how to use the Muscle Builder tool of Autodesk Maya in a professional way
  • Configuring skin deformation with muscular system 
  • Configuring muscle behavior 
  • Configure our character's muscle collisions 
  • Working with the cache to optimize muscle mechanisms 

Module 10. Processes and Extra Tools for the Rigger in Industry

  • Organize the Rig elements in our scene 
  • Manage the weighting of deformation influences of our Rig 
  • Prepare and protect the model for the animator's use 
  • Be highly knowledgeable in the technique of retopology 
  • Develop a 2D facial Rigging system on 3D models 
  • Master Spine2D as a 2D Rig and animation software 
  • Download and install plugins and online tools in our Autodesk Maya program
  • Handle Motion Tracking in a professional way 
  • Develop professional set-up with the MGTools Pro 3 tool 
  • Develop auto rigs with Rdm Tools v2 
  • Edit and develop a presentation Reel of our Rig 
  • Training on how to search for official documentation online 

Facial Rigging is one of the most difficult techniques. However, TECH has designed a specific module with everything you need to know”

Professional Master's Degree in Design and Creation of 3D Characters for Animation and Video Games

The Professional Master's Degree in Design and Creation of 3D Characters for Animation and Video Games developed by TECH, aims to train professionals in the development of three-dimensional characters. Our syllabus includes topics such as anatomy, character design, 3D modeling, animation and texturing. In addition, we focus on the specific techniques and tools used in the video game and animation industry. As a result, students will be able to create characters of all kinds and use advanced 3D modeling and animation techniques.