
Alicia Hurtado Nuño is a renowned doctor specializing in oncology, who stands out for her timely intervention and extensive medical knowledge. She has spent most of her career at the University Hospital Fundación Alcorcón, and from there she has had to deal with cases such as breast cancer, lung and bronchus cancer, prostate cancer, among others.  

He has also deepened in the scientific field, being part of different research groups that seek to demonstrate the progress and latest updates of invasive and preventive techniques of cancer. He is also a member of the GETTHI group, which is dedicated to the study of orphan and rare tumors.  

  • Specialist in Medical Oncology at the University Hospital Fundación Alcorcón. 
  • Coordinator of the Tumor Registries of the Spanish Group of Orphan and Infrequent Tumors (GETTHI).
  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy I. 
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