
Dr. Daniel Torres Noriega is a physician and surgeon specialized in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. His professional career has been developed in different countries such as Venezuela and Spain, where he has forged an experience that has led him to be a renowned rehabilitation specialist in the Cínica Rehavitalis in Madrid.  

He has extensive knowledge in multiple areas ranging from the treatment of spasticity in the ICTUS, to Medical Assistance in Ambulances or the Integration and Clinical Problem Solving. 

  • Rehabilitation Physician at Clínica Rehavitalis in Madrid
  • Emergency and Primary Care Physician at the Hospital de Manises in Valencia
  • Prehospital Medical Assistance in Ambulancias Vallada in Valencia
  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery from Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Specialty in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University Hospital Ramón y Cajal in Valencia
  • Master's Degree in Integration and Clinical Problem Solving in Medicine by the University of Alcalá 
  • Theoretical and practical program for the treatment of spasticity in ICTUS
Programmes in collaboration with

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