
Dr. Sandra Márquez Garrido has practiced in various veterinary clinics in cities such as Madrid, Seville and Badajoz. She has specialized in the Emergency Service and Small Animal Clinic, in addition to having worked in animal selection and reproduction centers for institutions such as CENSYRA. 

He has also dedicated part of his professional career to deepen in advanced therapies such as electrochemotherapy and other oncological treatments. 

  • Veterinarian at the Veterinary Hospital Parla Sur, Madrid
  • Emergency Veterinarian at the Veterinary Clinic Surbatán, Madrid
  • Emergency Veterinarian at the Hospital Veterinario 24 Horas Moncan, Madrid
  • Veterinarian at the Clinica Veterinaria Sevilla Este, Sevilla 
  • Veterinarian at the Animal Selection and Reproduction Center (CENSYRA), Badajoz
  • Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Extremadura
  • Master's Degree in Small Animal Rotational Internship at the University Alfonso X el Sabio
  • Master's Degree in Oncology from Improve International
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