
Dr. Javier García Hernando is a Veterinarian Specialist in Exotic Animals in different veterinary clinics of the national territory. Throughout his professional career, he has deepened in techniques such as ultrasound, echocardiography and surgery in this type of animals. 

His commitment to protect exotic species has led him to participate as a volunteer veterinarian in the Group for the Rehabilitation of Native Fauna and their Habitat (GREFA), developing diagnostic work, recognition, management and treatment of wild animals. In another order of priorities, Dr. Javier García Hernando combines his welfare work with teaching, as a Specialized Professor in various educational institutions. 

  • Veterinary Specialist in Exotic Animals at the Center for the Recovery of Wild Animals (CRAS).
  • Veterinary Specialist in Exotic Animals at El Bosque Hospital. 
  • Veterinarian of Internal Medicine, Hospitalization and Surgery of Exotic Animals at Mediterranean Clinic. 
  • Responsible for Veterinary Nursing at the Group for the Rehabilitation of Native Fauna and their Habitat (GREFA).
  • Veterinarian of the Department of Necropsies in the Group for the Rehabilitation of Native Fauna and their Habitat (GREFA).
  • Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Alfonso X el Sabio University. 
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Herpetology from the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Training in Ultrasound and Echocardiography in Exotic Animals by Scil Veterinary Education. 
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