
The extensive professional career of Ramiro Ruiz Mendiguren, a professional with outstanding training and experience in the field of Dental Prosthesis, focuses on Scanning and Digital Design of Structures and Crowns. As such, he has acquired skills in Ceramic Layering of Dentogingival Structures

Throughout his career, he has worked as a Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis and as Technical Laboratory Manager. He is also considered an expert in Ceramic Waxing and Veneering and Feldspathic Veneers, having been a member of renowned laboratories. In addition to his extensive professional background, he has shared his knowledge as a lecturer, participating as a speaker at Dental Tècnic 2022. 

  • Technical Laboratory Manager at Laboratorio en Procesos de Prostodoncia SL
  • Superior Technician in Dental Prosthesis 
  • Specialist in Scanning and Digital Design of Structures and Crowns 
  • Superior Technician in Dental Prosthesis in Dental Mastery
  • Lecturer at Dental Tècnic 2022
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