
With more than 10 years of experience, Specialist Manuel Quintana Diaz is a reference in the field of Intensive Care Medicine, who from his knowledge has provided solutions to Critical and Coronary Care Units, as well as significant contributions on the Mass Transfusion protocols for the management of bleeding in critical patients.  

His great trajectory and professional scope have allowed him to become a member of the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine, becoming Secretary of the National CPR Plan.

  • Secretary of the National Plan of CPR in Critical Medicine and Coronary Units for the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine, SEMICYUC.
  • Chief of the Emergency Department at the University Hospital La Paz, Madrid.
  • Doctorate in Medicine from the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid. 
  • Specialist in Intensive Care Medicine at the Soria Hospital Complex.
  • Doctor of Medicine with Specialization in Cranioencephalic Trauma and Fractures in the Hemophiliac Patient at the Complutense University of Madrid. 
  • Physician associated with the Department of Medicine at the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid.
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