
Throughout 120 hours of intensive and practical learning, TECH offers you the most demanded and recent skills in the Nursing field in order to assist pregnant women with different Pathologies”


Pregnancy is a special time and at the same time a period of stress and worry, especially if pathologies arise. Nurses must be trained to handle these situations and provide safe, quality care to the patients in their care. In particular, they must master a series of underlying conditions that can be generated by pregnancy, among which Diabetes, hypertension and some visual problems stand out. These professionals should also detect early signs that indicate the likelihood of disorders such as placenta previa and preeclampsia. Moreover, keeping up to date on these competencies is not easy because there are not many programs on the subject and, for the most part, they have an overly theoretical approach.

For this reason, TECH has devised this 100% practical and face-to-face program where nurses will have access to the most up-to-date technical tools in their field of work. In this way, they will master the latest protocols for monitoring blood pressure and blood sugar levels that a pregnant woman should have. They will also have the skills to educate their patients about diet and exercise or excessive use of medications overuse of medications.

In addition, this internship program will last 3 weeks and, based on different collaboration agreements, the nurse will be able to choose the health institution that best suits his or her interests and geographic location. In these centers, the professional will have access to modern devices and the most innovative assistance protocols and the most innovative assistance protocols. You will also have the support of an assistant tutor who will help you overcome different tasks and will easily introduce you to the most up-to-date work dynamics. All of this, applied to real patients from the first day of the on-site stay.


Enjoy an intensive 3-week stay in a reputable center and get up to date on the latest clinical procedures to achieve professional growth"

Why our program?

This internship program is essential for any nurse seeking to update their practical skills in the management of the most common pathologies that can affect pregnancy. This program offers access to the best experts dedicated to this health sector through a 100% face-to-face stay. This intensive training period will take place in a renowned hospital institution where each participant will be able to expand his or her practical skills quickly and flexibly. In addition, they will be advised by a prestigious team of experts in pregnancy pathologies pathologies in pregnancy.

vocational apprenticeships pathologies pregnancy nursing TECH Global University

TECH offers you a unique opportunity to acquire practical skills with the best professionals dedicated to the care of pathologies in pregnant women”

1. Updating from the latest technology available 

In just a few years, modern medicine has implemented technological devices for monitoring pregnant women, but not all nurses have adequate mastery. This internship program offers the possibility of developing competencies for its management in a direct way, through the care of real cases in a state-of-the-art hospital center in a 100% face-to-face modality. 

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists 

During this program, nurses will be able to assimilate first-hand the most updated experiences in the approach to Pregnancy Pathologies. These skills will be guided by renowned experts and a highly experienced adjunct tutor in this professional field.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments 

After a detailed selection, TECH has planned the development of this practical and face-to-face stay in a hospital of excellence. These entities have the most updated technological resources for the management of Pregnancy Pathologies by Nursing personnel. In addition, these entities have a staff of renowned experts who are prepared to apply the latest procedures and implement state-of-the-art care resources. 

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

Theoretical learning related to Pregnancy Pathologies is not enough for nurses to keep up to date with innovations in this care sector. For this reason, TECH breaks into the pedagogical context with this 100% practical and face-to-face program where participants will be able, from the very first moment, to provide innovative care protocols to real patients.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

For the realization of this internship program, TECH has partnered with hospital entities from different latitudes. Thus, the Nursing professional will be able to choose the institution that best suits his or her academic interests and geographic location. This is, without a doubt, a unique study opportunity only within reach of the best online university in the world. 

professional practices pathologies pregnancy nursing TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice”

Internship Program in Pathologies of Pregnancy for Nursing

Practical Pregnancy Pathology Internship Program for Nursing is a unique opportunity for nursing professionals to gain specialized knowledge in the care of pregnant women with pathology. This hands-on training program is designed to help Nursing professionals better understand pregnancy pathologies and identify warning signs for early and effective care.

Through this hands-on training, Nursing professionals will be able to improve their ability to detect and treat pathologies such as pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, placenta previa, among others. In addition, they will learn how to handle emergency situations, providing quick and effective care to the mother and fetus. In short, the Internship Program in Pathologies of Pregnancy for Nursing is an excellent opportunity to improve the skills and knowledge of nursing professionals, which will result in higher quality and safer care for pregnant women and their babies.

Internship Program in Pathologies of Pregnancy for Nursing

The Nursing Pregnancy Pathology Internship Program is a hands-on learning program that provides nursing professionals with the necessary tools to identify and treat pregnancy pathologies. This training is designed to help Nursing professionals improve their ability to care for and support pregnant women with pathologies.

The training includes hands-on techniques for the assessment of pregnancy pathologies and their treatment, enabling Nursing professionals to provide quality and safe care to their patients. In addition, Nursing professionals will learn how to work as a team and coordinate with other healthcare professionals to ensure the best outcome for the mother and fetus. In summary, the Internship Program in Pathologies of Pregnancy for Nursing is a valuable program for Nursing professionals who wish to improve their skills in caring for pregnant women with pathology and provide quality, safe care to their patients.

In short, the Internship Program in Pathologies of Pregnancy for Nursing is a valuable program for Nursing professionals who wish to improve their skills in caring for pregnant women with pathology and provide quality, safe care to their patients.