
TECH introduces a program specialized in Locoregional Anesthesia so that you can work on updating your clinical practice from wherever you want, thanks to its convenient 100% online format” 


The palliative treatment of herniated discs, lumbar, inguinal, femoral, etc.; the reduction of pain in people suffering from diseases associated with the muscle and bone region; or the inhibition of the nerve root of the different areas in which a surgical intervention is to be performed, are the main areas of action of Locoregional Anesthesia. This is a medical specialty whose progress has helped thousands of people to improve their quality of life, through a considerable reduction of the discomforts they suffered in previous centuries. A quite significant example of this technique is the cervical or neuroaxial blocks, in which the vertebral facets are targeted through minimally invasive anesthetic therapies that contribute to a significant reduction of pain.

However, as in General Anesthesia, this type of procedures must be subject to an exhaustive control of the techniques, as well as of the considerations to be taken into account to avoid side effects harmful to health depending on the type of patients (children, elderly, people with various pathologies, pregnant women, etc.). For this reason, TECH Global University has developed a complete program with which, in just 12 months, you will be able to get up to date on all clinical and therapeutic developments in Locoregional Anesthesia. This professional master’s degree will cover from the most innovative therapies to non-invasive clinical and surgical strategies for the different body regions. Furthermore, it will focus on pain-inhibiting palliative care in various types of patients, taking into account their physiological characteristics. All of this is based on the use of the latest drugs that have been tested with guarantees and are applicable at an international clinical level.

In order to achieve this, the professional will have 1,500 hours of theoretical and practical material, designed exclusively for this degree by a teaching team specialized in Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy. Moreover, its convenient 100% online format will allow you to update your practice from wherever and whenever you want, in a way that is compatible with your professional activity. Therefore, it is a unique opportunity to work on perfecting your medical skills with the endorsement of the largest medical faculty in the world.

You will work on the latest developments in the application of anesthesia in the upper extremities, lower extremities, head and neck, delving into the most innovative clinical strategies for each case”

This professional master’s degree in Locoregional Anesthesia contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Locoregional Anesthesiology
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Would you like to get up-to-date on what's new in Major Outpatient Surgery for anesthesiologists? If the answer is yes, this program is perfect for you"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to prepare in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

Due to its convenient format and the hundreds of hours of additional material included in the program, you will be able to delve into the latest advances in critical treatments through Regional Anesthesia"


A program that will give you the keys to provide pain relief to your patients, through the most effective and innovative clinical guidelines of current Anesthesiology"


The progress of science and the increasingly exhaustive knowledge of the human body has allowed modern medicine to develop increasingly safe and diverse anesthetic guidelines according to the diagnostic or physiological characteristics of the patient and his or her state of health. Therefore, the objective of this professional master’s degree is simply to provide specialists in this area with the most complete and innovative information on the subject, which will allow them to update their practice according to the most innovative clinical strategies being applied in locoregional therapies.


A program that meets the demands of medical activity at the highest level with which you will work on the latest developments in neuroaxial blocks and the best drugs for this purpose”

General Objectives

  • Delve into the fundamentals that allow performing procedures with Regional Anesthesia
  • Become familiar with the anatomy, physiology and pharmacology applied to regional anesthesia
  • Study in detail the types of central blocks, as well as their indications, contraindications, technical aspects and complications
  • Study in detail the types of peripheral blocks, as well as their indications, contraindications, technical aspects and complications
  • Review limb, head, neck, chest and abdominal blocks, as well as those useful for difficult airway management
  • Review the basic fundamentals of electrostimulation and ultrasound and apply them to the execution of blockades
  • Be familiar with the equipment necessary to perform the blocks
  • Know in detail the current clinical practice guidelines for the preoperative management of patients requiring regional anesthesia
  • List the particularities of outpatient surgery requiring Regional Anesthesia

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Regional Anesthesia

  • Understand the basics of ultrasound to apply it in regional blocks
  • Understand the fundamentals of neurostimulation to apply it to regional blockades
  • Know in detail the characteristics, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of local anesthetics and adjuvants used in Regional Anesthesia
  • Identify local anesthetic poisoning, know its cause and risk factors and, of course, its management and treatment
  • Understand the importance of the pre-anesthesia consultation in regional anesthesia and what aspects of the clinical history are important

Module 2. Neuroaxial Blocks

  • Acquire the knowledge of anatomy and physiology related to neuroaxis blockages
  • Identify the different types of neuroaxial blocks and establish their indications and contraindications
  • Become familiar with the pharmacology applied to neuroaxial blockades
  • Learn the technique, the effects on the organism, the necessary material and the management of spinal, epidural, combined, caudal and paravertebral blocks
  • Delve into the role of ultrasound in such blockages

Module 3. Upper Limbs

  • Identify the different blocks that can be performed on the upper extremity and their main indications and contraindications
  • Instruct in the different responses to neurostimulation obtained in the different upper extremity blockades
  • Become familiar with the ultrasound image obtained in the different upper extremity blocks

Module 4. Forelimbs

  • Identify the different blocks that can be performed on the lower extremity and their main indications and contraindications
  • Learn about the different responses to neurostimulation obtained in different lower extremity blockades
  • Become familiar with the ultrasound image obtained in the different lower extremity blocks

Module 5. Thoraco-abdominal interfascial blocks

  • Know in a profound way the anatomy of the thoracic and abdominal wall, distinguishing what will be blocked with each regional technique
  • Learn how to visualize, by means of ultrasound, the different muscle groups
  • Train the professional in the performance of interfascial blocks, knowing the puncture site and the site where the local anesthetic will be applied
  • Decide what type of block is needed by the patient depending on the type of aggression that will be performed or has been performed on the patient
  • Differentiate between intercostal, interpectoral, erector spinae, serratus plane, TAP, semilunar, quadratus lumborum, ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric blocks, which are part of the repertoire of analgesic techniques
  • Know the efficacy and effectiveness of infiltration of the surgical wound itself

Module 6. Head and Neck

  • Learn the nerve blocks of the face, head and neck, both for anesthetic techniques in the operating room and analgesia in pain units
  • Become familiar with the ultrasound imaging of the various nerve blocks, as well as the response to neurostimulation
  • Learn the applications of regional anesthetic technique in head and neck surgeries
  • Enhance Regional Anesthesia as a complement or substitution to traditional anesthetic techniques in head and neck surgeries
  • Understand the usefulness of Regional Anesthesia in the management of the difficult airway

Module 7. Major Outpatient Surgery

  • Understand the organization and planning of Major Outpatient Surgery Units
  • Analyze the criteria for the choice of surgical procedures, as well as the selection of patients for Major Outpatient Surgery
  • Analyze the available anesthetic techniques to establish an adequate anesthetic plan for each patient and procedure
  • Assess therapeutic options for optimal postoperative pain control
  • Thorough knowledge of UCMA discharge criteria, as well as hospital admission criteria and possible complications

Module 8. Critical Care and Regional Anesthesia

  • Review the peculiarities of the critically ill patient and their specific risks
  • Know in depth the options for assessment and control of pain in the critically ill patient
  • Analyze the potential uses of locoregional analgesia in the critically ill patient
  • Delve into the indications of Locoregional Analgesia/Anesthesia in specific situations such as burned, polytraumatized or amputated patients
  • Learn in depth the importance of locoregional techniques in reconstructive surgery with flaps

Module 9. Locoregional Anesthesia and Pain Management

  • Know in depth everything related to Locoregional Anesthesia
  • Have knowledge and practice of pain management of a certain level
  • Provide fundamental and safety aspects, evidence-based indications, the use of more advanced imaging techniques, a meticulous description of each of the techniques based on images, algorithms and videos, as well as the resolution of doubts and difficulties that may arise in relation to them

Module 10. Specific Situations of Regional Anesthesia

  • Know in depth the aspects to be taken into account in a patient with peripheral neuropathy who is going to undergo regional anesthesia
  • Describe the appropriate management of the anticoagulated/anti-aggregation patient who is potentially undergoing a regional technique
  • Become familiar with regional continuum techniques for the management of acute postoperative pain
  • Identify the factors related to comorbidity in the face of these anesthetic techniques
  • Describe the particularities of elderly and pediatric patients

Do you want to master the application of anesthesia in limb interventions? In this TECH program you will find the most innovative techniques to achieve this in just 12 months”

Professional Master's Degree in Locoregional Anesthesia

The use of regional and local anesthesia has been extended to different medical fields, seeking to offer patients treatments and surgical interventions that significantly reduce and control pain. However, its application requires a solid base of knowledge and technical skills in the field, since its improper handling could represent a risk to the health of people. At TECH Global University we developed the Professional Master's Degree in Locoregional Anesthesia, a program designed with the purpose of updating and complementing the studies of professionals in anesthesiology so that they can safely perform the daily practice of their functions in this clinical area. In this way, you will become an expert in the use of different anesthesiological drugs taking into account their side effects, the type of patient and the area of application. Take this postgraduate course and advance your career goals.

Specialize in the largest Faculty of Medicine

With our Professional Master's Degree, delivered in a 100% online format, you will have access to the latest advances available in anesthesiological intervention, as well as the clinical strategies recommended for each case. Through theoretical lessons, discussion forums and the study of real clinical cases, you will learn the basics of neuroaxial anesthesia and locoregional blocks; you will become familiar with the anatomy, physiology and pharmacology involved in the use of local anesthetics; you will analyze the indications, contraindications, technical aspects and complications derived from anesthetic assistance; and you will identify the specific situations to be taken into account in this discipline, such as symptoms, causes and risk factors of intoxication, for its correct approach and treatment. At TECH Global University you will achieve a higher level of knowledge and boost your career growth.