
Discover the latest advances in feline neoplasms in feline neoplasms, urinalysis and design of fluid therapy plans" 


A thorough update in the management of the hospitalized cat can be a key differential factor to address more accurately both urinary and oncologic pathologies. The more frequent appearance of feline patients with these ailments makes it more urgent than ever to incorporate advances in diagnosis and monitoring as well as in the various treatments, including the necessary surgical interventions. 

Thus, the teaching team in charge of this postgraduate diploma brings together a series of up-to-date skills and competencies for the veterinary specialist, based both on the most recent scientific postulates and on their own practical experience. The union of these two visions makes it a more enriching academic experience from the very beginning, allowing the incorporation into practice of the developments taught throughout the program.  

A postgraduate diploma withTECH's characteristic 100% online format, in which it is the specialist who decides how to distribute the entire course load. For this purpose, all the study material is provided from the first day and can be downloaded from any device with an internet connection. There are no fixed classes or schedules, having total flexibility to combine both academic and professional and personal facets in a program that comprehensively promotes the update in urinary pathologies, oncology and critical care of the feline patient. 

You will have the quality endorsement of a teaching team with extensive experience in the area and care of feline patients with all kinds of pathologies"

This postgraduate diploma in Feline Urinary System Pathology and Oncology. Hospitalization and Critical Care contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Feline Medicine and Surgery
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions for experts and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Incorporate into your daily practice the most recent protocols for chronic renal damage, resuscitation of felines in cardiorespiratory arrest, and pain control caused by neoplasms”

The program includes, in its teaching staff, professionals from the sector who bring to this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will have access to top-quality didactic material, made up of audiovisual and complementary resources compiled by the teachers themselves"


You decide how to distribute the entire academic program, without having to sacrifice professional or personal aspects"


In order to deal with the various urinary or oncological complications, it is necessary for the specialist to have at his disposal the most recent diagnostic, approach and monitoring techniques available. It is precisely on this issue that this University Expert focuses, offering a myriad of options with which the specialist can delve into and modernize his daily methodology based on the most recent scientific discoveries.


Lean on the largest online academic institution in the world, with the most cutting-edge educational and technological resources in Feline Medicine"  

General Objectives

  • Adequately stabilize the patient in shock
  • Outline an adequate fluid therapy plan for each case
  • Identify the patient with urinary tract pathology
  • Determine the diagnostic techniques for the assessment of these patients and when to use each of them
  • Enumerate the most frequent neoplasms in the feline species
  • Examine the particularities of the cat in the presentation of neoplasms

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Hospitalization and Intensive Care in Felines

  • Adequately stabilize the patient in shoc
  • Outline an adequate fluid therapy plan for each case
  • Know the blood products, when and how to use them 
  • Recognize pathologic findings on blood tests, AFAST and TFAST 
  • Determine and manage signs of pain in the hospitalized feline patient  
  • Master the development of a nutritional plan for the hospitalized feline patient 
  • Recognize and prevent signs of refeeding syndrome 
  • Become familiar with the procedures to be performed in the hospitalization area
  • Protocolize the resuscitation of the patient in cardiorespiratory arrest

Module 2. Nephrology and Urology in the Feline Species

  • Know all the diagnostic techniques for the urinary system
  • Know how to interpret the results of blood biochemistry and urinalysis 
  • Establish a diagnostic approach for the patient with acute renal failure 
  • Staging of acute renal failure according to IRIS guidelines 
  • Develop an action protocol for acute renal injury 
  • Clarify the diagnostic approach to the patient with chronic renal damage 
  • Propose the appropriate management of the specific pathologies responsible for CKD, as well as its non-specific management
  • Understand the importance of proteinuria and hypertension in the management of CKD
  • Stage CKD according to the IRIS guidelines
  • Manage the patient presenting with idiopathic cystitis, both obstructive and non-obstructive 
  • Know the recommendations for the management of the different types of uroliths 
  • Recognize the patient with ureteral obstruction
  • Establish the different techniques that exist to treat ureteral obstructions with their advantages, disadvantages and indications

Module 3. Oncology in the Feline Patient

  • Rationally perform the clinical approach to the cat with a mass
  • Perform and process cytology appropriately 
  • Choose the most appropriate type of biopsy 
  • Carry out the staging of a tumor 
  • Be able to prepare and administer chemotherapy to a cat 
  • Properly manage the adverse effects of chemotherapy 
  • Be familiar with the most commonly used chemotherapy agents in the feline patient
  • Be familiar with the use of electrochemotherapy in cats and in which neoplasms it is recommended
  • Know the differences in diagnosis and treatment of the different types of digestive lymphoma
  • Be familiar with other types of lymphoma presentations in the cat
  • Appropriate management of a cat with mammary tumors 
  • Optimally approach the treatment of injection site associated sarcomas 
  • Recognize other types of cancers in the cat and their peculiarities in the species 
  • Know the different types of surgical resection and the importance of excision margins
  • Properly interpret the biopsy report in relation to surgical margins
  • Master the techniques of pain control in the feline patient with neoplasia

You will achieve your objectives of professional updating and improvement even sooner than you expect, supported by TECH's pedagogical methodology"

Postgraduate Diploma in Urinary System Pathology and Feline Oncology. Hospitalization and Critical Care.

Urinary system pathologies in cats are conditions that can affect the kidneys, bladder, urethra and other related organs. Some of the most common pathologies are urinary tract infections, urethral obstruction, urolithiasis and chronic renal failure. To treat these pathologies of the urinary system in cats, the veterinarian will evaluate the animal's condition and establish a treatment plan that will depend on the specific condition. In some cases, antibiotics may simply be prescribed to treat a urinary tract infection, while in other cases, hospitalization and critical care may be required to treat an obstruction of the urethra or chronic renal failure.

Hospitalization and critical care may include continuous monitoring of the animal's health, administration of intravenous fluids and diuretics to help reduce swelling and pressure on the kidneys, and bladder catheterization to provide urine drainage when bladder or urethral problems occur. In addition, surgery may be required to remove bladder stones or tumors that may be causing obstructions.

As for feline oncology, it refers to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in cats. As with pathologies of the urinary system, the treatment plan will depend on the type of cancer and the stage of the disease. Treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and postoperative care to minimize discomfort and prevent infection.

TECH the world's largest digital university has an academic program designed to train students in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary system and cancer in animals, especially cats, and in intensive care and hospitalization of sick animals. This program is intended for veterinarians, veterinary technicians and medical personnel in veterinary clinics and hospitals who wish to specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and care of sick animals, especially in the field of urinary system pathology and feline oncology.