
We offer students the most comprehensive training on the market to bring the business management side of their veterinary center to the same level as the clinical and healthcare practice, offering their clients the highest quality in both services" 


When deciding to create a veterinary business, it’s necessary to take into account that the first task is to is to deal with the general administration of each country, regional community and city council, since the development of the legislation has its particularities in each territory. Thus, before starting the veterinary activity itself, it is necessary to analyze everything from the conditions of opening in each region to the more detailed and important legal aspects, which will influence the management of the center and will increase the fixed costs and, therefore, the time needed to carry them out without breaking the law.

This postgraduate certificate will show the different types of companies that will determine the tax obligations, the Data Protection Law and Labor Risks. It develops the different types of contracts that exist, respecting the collective agreement and many other aspects that will guide the specific way of working, adhering to legal obligations and the protection of the consumer as a final objective.

Telephone service in this type of company is essential, in fact, the first contact that the customer has with the center is usually via telephone, so that first impression is the one that will be kept in the customer's subconscious for future relationships. It is even more important if we take into account that it is also the main and most direct way to report on the patient's progress, test results, treatment administration and other aspects, which is why a correct and effective telephone service protocol is essential.

At present, one of the main problems affecting continuing postgraduate specialization is its compatibility with work and personal life. Current professional demands make it difficult to achieve quality, specialized training in person, so the online format will allow students to combine this specialized training with their daily professional practice, without losing their connection to training and specialization.

Immerse yourself in this high quality educational training, which will enable you to face the future challenges in the management of veterinary centers” 

This postgraduate certificate in Legal Aspects and Administration in Veterinary Centers contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. 
The most important features of the program include: 

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in the Legal Aspects and Administration in Veterinary Centers
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional development
  • Latest innovations in Legal Aspects and Administration in Veterinary Centers
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies for Legal Aspects and Administration in Veterinary Centers
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate certificate may be the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program to update your knowledge in Legal Aspects and Administration in Veterinary Centers”

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of management of veterinary centers, who bring to this training the experience of their work, as well as renowned specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training program designed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the specialist must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned and experienced experts in Legal Aspects and Administration in Veterinary Centers.

This training comes with the best didactic material, providing you with a contextual approach that will facilitate your learning"


This 100% online postgraduate certificate will allow you to combine your studies with your professional work while increasing your knowledge in this field"


The postgraduate certificate in Legal Aspects and Administration in Veterinary Centers is aimed at facilitating the professional practice of veterinarians with the most innovative advances in the industry.


Our goal is to achieve academic excellence and to help you achieve professional success as well" 

General Objectives  

  • Evaluate the legislative conditions to be met before opening a veterinary health center to the public
  • Specify the legal form of company to be created, with the particularities of each one, from partnerships to cooperatives of partners
  • Analyze the different legislations to be applied once the veterinary health center is open to the public, always from the point of view of consumer protection, in order to provide an excellent service, such as data protection, occupational health, radiological protection, etc
  • Develop a correct purchasing management and relationship with suppliers 
  • Examine the Law on Medicines and establish the correct issuance of prescriptions, as well as the subsequent control of such prescriptions
  • Examine the civil liability that we acquire by the fact of managing a veterinary health center, for our workers by applying the collective agreement and for the clients in general

Specific Objectives

  • Identify the different types of labor companies that exist
  • Examine the Personal Data Protection Law, what data we should know about our clients, how to store and manage them, as well as the different types of authorizations that must be provided to us before a procedure is performed on an animal
  • Examine the occupational health that we must apply in our veterinary health center to guarantee our workers a correct development of their functions in the safest way according to the functions to be carried out
  • Establish the professional categories and functions to be performed by each of the members of our team of workers in accordance with the collective agreement for veterinary health centers
  • Evaluate how to establish all the work procedures of our center respecting the correct professional ethics and deontology towards our clients and our team
  • Develop a correct relationship with suppliers, knowing the ways to relate with them and to establish satisfactory commercial conditions for both parties, terms and payment conditions
  • Specify and establish an effective protocol for the management of debtors and unpaid debts, from the authorizations to be signed to the acknowledgement of debt, to manage deferrals, financing and even payment order proceedings if necessary
  • Identify and develop protocols for telephone customer service, mainly the implementation and evaluation of these protocols (from informing the customer about the service provided for their animals to how to communicate bad news)

Give your career a boost with this complete postgraduate certificate”

Postgraduate Certificate in Legal Aspects and Administration in Veterinary Centers


Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of management and legislation in Veterinary Centers through our Postgraduate Certificate Course, offered by TECH Global University in 100% online modality. In our prestigious institution, we offer you the opportunity to acquire specialized knowledge in legal and administrative aspects applied to veterinary practice, from the comfort of your home. Our online program allows you to explore the legal fundamentals that govern the veterinary profession, as well as to develop management and administrative skills that will be indispensable in your professional career. Throughout the Postgraduate Certificate, you will gain knowledge in Legal Aspects and Administration in Veterinary Centers, supported by professors who are experts in the field of veterinary medicine and legislation. In addition, you will have access to interactive didactic resources and advanced technological tools that will enrich your learning experience and allow you to explore practical cases online. By being part of this program, you will be able to acquire fundamental knowledge about the legal regulations applied to veterinary practice, as well as develop skills in the administrative management of veterinary centers, including financial, marketing and human resources aspects.

Bring a plus to any veterinary company you work for


Why choose our online classes? At TECH Global University we understand that your time and flexibility are valuable. Our online class format offers you the convenience of learning at your own pace, with no fixed schedule restrictions. You will be able to access the content from anywhere and at any time, adapting it to your daily needs and commitments. Don't miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge in the legal and management field in Veterinary Centers. Enroll in our Postgraduate Certificate in Legal Aspects and Administration in Veterinary Centers and boost your career in the exciting world of veterinary medicine. TECH gives you the perfect platform to achieve success in this area!