
The new scenarios in intensive care medicine push us to propose new training programs that meet the real needs of experienced professionals, so that they can incorporate advances in clinical practice in the face of severe neurological pathologies"


Neurological pathology represents a large part of the activity in an Intensive Care Unit but, usually, the critical situation of the patient prevents the systematic examination required in the outpatient, being the objective of the intensivist physician to establish the severity of the patient, locate the injured encephalic area and make urgent diagnostic or therapeutic decisions.

On the other hand, the innumerable variables that can influence severe traumatic disease during its evolution complicate the management of this disease and require multidisciplinary assessment and treatment, thus requiring the presence of a specialist in Intensive Care Medicine as a fundamental part of the severe trauma care team and its subsequent care in the critical care unit.

This postgraduate diploma in Current Management of Neurology and Severe Trauma in Intensive Care Medicine is oriented to update the knowledge of the specialist physician who develops his clinical practice in the Intensive Care Unit.

Scientific evidence increases the quality of medical care. Staying up-to-date is key to providing better care for patients in life-threatening emergencies due to major trauma in the intensive care unit"

The postgraduate diploma in Current Management of Neurology and Severe Trauma in Intensive Care Medicine contains the most complete and updated scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • Contains Clinical cases presented by experts. The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic innovations in treating patients with neurological problems
  • Presentation of practical workshops on procedures, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in Life Support
  • Video lessons on differentpathologies and how to approach them
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the presented clinical situations
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma may be the best investment you can make in the selection of a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in the care of patients with severe trauma in the intensive care unit, you will obtain a postgraduate diploma from TECH Global University"

Its teaching staff includes leading professionals in intensive medicine, who contribute their work experience to this training, in addition to other specialists belonging to prestigious scientific societies.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training program to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the physician must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this reason, you will be assisted by an innovative, interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in Intensive Care Medicine and with extensive teaching experience.

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge with this postgraduate diploma"


Don't miss the opportunity to update your knowledge in the care of critically ill patients in the intensive care unit to increase the quality of your patient care"


The postgraduate diploma is oriented towards a review of the main aspects of the current management of the severe trauma patient, based on scientific evidence and the experience of renowned professionals in the field of intensive care medicine.


This refresher program will generate a sense of security when practising medicine, which will help you grow both personally and professionally”

General Objective

  • Update the physician in the management of patients with cranioencephalic, thoracic and abdominal trauma, and their neurological assessment, as well as to incorporate the advances in the management of the main severe neurological pathologies that are most frequently the reason for admission to an Intensive Care Unit

Specific Objectives

  • Be up-to-date on the main procedures of sedation, analgesia and relaxation of the ICU patient
  • Explain the situations that most frequently complicate the evolution of critically ill patients, such as delirium and polyneuropathy in the critically ill patient
  • Describe the monitoring procedure in the neurocritical patient
  • Explain the process of assessment of the comatose patient
  • Incorporate advances in the management of hemispheric ischemic stroke, subarachnoid and intraparenchymal hemorrhage
  • Define status epilepticus and the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of choice in the patient with epileptic seizures
  • Establish new developments in the prevention and treatment of polyneuropathy in critically ill patients
  • Describe the process of initial assessment and stabilization of the severe trauma patient
  • Determine the current management procedure for severe head trauma
  • Explain the role, indications and importance of fluids, transfusion and vasoactive support in the vasoactive support in the severe trauma patient in light of the latest scientific evidence
  • Point out the main aspects of the correct approach to coagulopathy in the severe trauma patient
  • Update procedures for the management of patients with thoracic trauma
  • Gain up-to-date knowledge in the procedures for the management of patients with abdominal trauma
  • Point out the key points in the use of continuous extrarenal depuration techniques in ICU
  • Assess the new uses of citrate in continuous hyperfiltration techniques
  • Analyze the key points of pre-consideration in the critically ill patient
  • Determine updated procedures in the initial management of the patient with suspected severe poisoning
  • Analyze the diagnostic role of ultrasound in the ICU and the new perspectives of ultrasound use
  • Identify new developments in Patient Safety Programs in the Intensive Care Unit
  • Assess the usefulness of the electronic medical record and to define the advantages of its use in the Intensive Care Unit
  • Explain the ICU without walls project for early detection of patients at risk
  • Incorporate the humanization of the Intensive Care Unit into routine medical practice
  • Update knowledge in the management of severe trauma patients in order to achieve higher quality and excellence in clinical performance in the Intensive Care Unit
  • Describe the prognostic indicators of the severe trauma patient in the ICU
  • Give guidelines to improve communication, relationship and participation in the care of the family of the critically ill patient
  • Explain the different special situations that the intensive care professional may face in relation to the limitation of therapeutic effort, the decision not to resuscitate or to rule out admission to the ICU

If your goal is to become a healthcare professional capable of communicating fluently in English, this program is for you"

Postgraduate Certificate in Current Management of Neurological Pathology and Severe Trauma in Intensive Care Medicine

The Postgraduate Certificate in Current Management of Neurological Pathology and Severe Trauma in Intensive Care Medicine offers the specialist advanced preparation in the management of patients with neurological pathologies and severe trauma in the intensive care unit. With an updated and quality program, this course allows the specialist to deepen in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and trauma, providing tools for quality and efficient care. Neurology is a fundamental branch of medicine, which requires highly trained professionals to manage the most complex pathologies. Updating in this field is essential to be able to offer adequate care to patients with neurological problems, both in the hospital setting and in daily clinical practice. In addition, training in the management of severe trauma in intensive care medicine is crucial to ensure patient survival and recovery.


Update your knowledge in neurological pathologies

This program offers comprehensive training in the management of neurological pathologies and severe trauma in the intensive care unit, from diagnosis to treatment and follow-up of patients. Students will have access to the most advanced techniques and technologies, which will allow them to acquire skills in the specialized care of these cases. Qualification in the management of neurology and severe trauma in intensive care medicine also enables specialist physicians to broaden their knowledge in the field of research and innovation, and to keep abreast of the latest trends and developments in the field of medicine. In short, the Postgraduate Certificate in Current Management of Neurological Pathology and Severe Trauma in Intensive Care Medicine is a quality and up-to-date program that allows medical specialists to be at the forefront in the management of neurological pathologies and severe trauma in the intensive care unit. A course that becomes essential for the medical professional who wishes to provide the best care to their patients.