
Dr. Indira Blanco Ramos is a leading Specialist in Aesthetic Medicine, who has extensive professional experience in this discipline. In addition, it has played responsibility positions in major clinical institutions, being Medical Director of the Institut de Salut PB Clinical SLP in Barcelona. 

Also, throughout her medical career, she has worked and trained in different countries around the world, delving into areas such as Clinical Dermatology and Allergology

  • Medical Director of the Institut de Salut PB Clinical SLP, Barcelona
  • Collaborating Assistant Physician in the Drug Allergy Unit at Allercen. Barcelona 
  • Collaborating Assistant Physician at the Dermatological Institute Dr. Pablo Umbert. Barcelona 
  • Degree in Medicine from the National Experimental University Francisco de Miranda
  • Master's Degree in Aesthetic Medicine by the University of the Balearic Islands
  • Master's Degree in Clinical Dermatology from the University CEU Cardenal Herrera
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