
In order to be able to access certain job offers, jobs or even get higher scores in selection processes, the understanding and adequacy of the Russian language is essential. TECH designs its language programs adapted to the required regulations, so that students acquire the necessary linguistic skills and obtain the certification that recognizes their level in a useful and direct way. This Level A1 exam evaluates the competencies within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, obtaining at the end of the process a university certificate that highlights the student's language level.

You will have a university certificate that will open the doors to numerous job offers, as many of them only accept candidates certified through the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)” 


You will certify your level of proficiency in Russian in an agile and direct way, with a 100% online exam to which you will not have to physically” 

In today's globalized world, language skills are becoming one of the most valued competencies in any work environment. It is essential to have diplomas that accredit your current level in languages, in order to be able to access the best possible job offers and universities.

TECH has based this official university certificate on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the highest system of recognition and accreditation of a student's level. This system is accepted in many institutions and organizations worldwide, establishing a unified criteria to determine the different levels of competencies. 

You will receive individualized attention from a personal examiner, and you can even choose the time you want to take your A1 Russian exam" 

It is proven that learning languages increases your intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks” 

José Antonio Marina. 
Philosopher, writer and educator.

Flexible and Tailored

Take your exam wherever you are, 100% online, at the time of your choice. You choose the exam that best suits you. 


No Stress

Are you nervous about waiting in long lines to register for the exam and take the different tests? You will be able to register online and take your test with an examiner just for you, with no external pressure. 


No Waiting

Receive your certificate in record time and in digital format so you can always carry it with you. 


Listening comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to 

  • Understand speech that is very slow, carefully articulated and with enough pauses to assimilate the meaning
  • Understand instructions that are explained slowly and carefully, and is able to follow directions if they are simple and short

Reading comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to

  • Understand very short and simple texts, reading sentence by sentence, picking up basic and common names, words, phrases, and rereading as needed
  • Understand short and simple messages on postcards
  • Recognize names, words and very basic phrases that appear on signs and in the most common situations
  • Understand the meaning of simple informative written material and short and simple descriptions, especially if there is visual support
  • Understand written directions if they are short and simple (e.g., how to get from one place to another)

Speaking objectives

The candidate is able to 

  • Engage in conversations in a straightforward manner, but communication is totally dependent on slower-paced repetitions, rephrasing and rectifications
  • Ask and answer simple questions, make simple statements, and respond to statements made to them in areas of immediate need or on very everyday topics
  • Understand common expressions aimed at satisfying simple, everyday needs as , long as the interlocutor collaborates by addressing them in clear, slow speech and repeats what they do not understand
  • Understands questions and instructions addressed to them clearly and slowly, understanding simple and brief directions
  • Introduce oneself and use basic greetings and farewell expressions. Ask how people are doing and express their reactions to the news
  • Understand everyday expressions aimed at satisfying simple concrete needs provided that the speaker collaborates by addressing them in clear, slow speech and repeats what they do not understand
  • Understand questions and instructions if spoken slowly and carefully, and understand short, simple directions on how to get to a place. Is able to ask someone for something, and vice versa
  • Ask someone for something and vice versa. Good command of numbers, quantities, prices and schedules
  • Make time indications by means of sentences such as, for example, "next week, last Friday, in November, at three o'clock"
  • Responds in an interview to simple and direct questions about personal data, if spoken very slowly and clearly, without idioms or set phrases

Writing objectives

The candidate is able to 

  • Ask for and provide information about personal details in writing
  • Write short and simple postcards
  • Write numbers and dates, their name, nationality, address, age, date of birth or date of arrival in a country, as is done, for example, in a hotel registration bookexamen en linea nivel a1 de ruso

You will take the oral and written comprehension tests, as well as the written expression, from the comfort of your computer”

CEFR A1 Russian Exam

Knowing the capabilities and limitations is a duty of every human being to achieve improvement in what you want, for this reason it is essential that individuals face high quality tests, which provide them with a way to improve in the long term. The CEFR A1 Russian Exam of TECH Global University is presented as an excellent opportunity for certification if your desire is to dabble in this Indo-European language, because our evaluation is designed under the European Framework of Reference for Languages, which will allow you to get a certificate of recognition valid before any public or private instance. In addition, we focus on the four essential conceptual areas: speaking, reading, listening and writing, through which applicants will demonstrate if they are able to interact in a simple way, asking spontaneous questions and other topics of daily life.

Why choose TECH for your language certification?

First of all, TECH has established itself as the best online university in the world, with more than 7,500 programs and presence in several countries. Our commitment to academic excellence led us to create the largest School of Languages, in which we offer high-quality educational programs, along with a highly prepared and experienced faculty. Secondly, our test was designed by experts in the field who know the difference in language levels, and who have provided high quality content to cover the objectives proposed in each part of the exam. Finally, from the overall score, a grade will be awarded which will appear on the certificate.