
All the knowledge in performance, drugs in different animal species covering Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, adverse reactions and interactions and the contribution of Natural Medicine to this area of work"


The postgraduate certificate provides a summary of the natural methods that have traditionally been used in Naturopathic Medicine, focusing on three strategies that are the most used in Veterinary Medicine: homeopathy, herbal medicine and the use of nutraceuticals.

It addresses the history of its evolution and the different paradigms on which it is based, sources and methodologies. It fosters a critical spirit based on scientific evidence. It offers practical application for the resolution of clinical problems such as disease or prophylaxis.

A current and comprehensive review of the use of Natural Pharmacology in the treatment of animal ailments”

This postgraduate certificate in Natural Therapies Applied in Veterinary Medicine contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Innovative and up-to-date diagnostic techniques in infectious diseases and their application in daily clinical practice, including the use of cytology as a diagnostic tool in these diseases
  • The most frequent and not so frequent pathologies of infectious origin in dogs from a practical and completely up-to-date point of view
  • Infectious Pathologies oriented to the feline species, dealing extensively with all those of this species
  • "One Health" vision, in which Zoonoses and their implications for public health will be reviewed
  • At present, there are no more exotic diseases, and they should be included by the clinician in the differential diagnosis when the epidemiology allows to suspect them
  • Prevention and management of all infectious diseases, including clinical, home and community settings

Learn in an efficient way, with a real qualification objective, with this unique postgraduate certificate for its quality and price, in the online teaching market"

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of Veterinary Medicine, who bring to this training the experience of their work, as well as renowned specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive knowledge programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the specialist must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced psychology experts.

 A revolutionary program for its ability to reconcile the highest quality of learning with the most complete online specialization"


Natural Therapies Applied in Veterinary Medicine with an analysis of the different existing paradigms and their historical evolution up to the present day"


The postgraduate certificate aims to provide students with the skills required in relation to preclinical or clinical research of drugs used in Veterinary Medicine in the field of Natural Medicine, and their application in the therapeutic use of drugs so that they can be integrated into the professional field.   


Learn how to integrate the benefits of Natural Medicine in your clinical practice, with the critical spirit of scientific evidence” 

General Objectives

  • Train professionals in simple and natural treatments, and their integration in the curative activities within Conventional Veterinary Medicine
  • Examine the theoretical bases of Natural Medicines, especially homeopathy, phytotherapy and the use of nutraceuticals
  • Briefly frame the evolution of the disciplines within a historical context

Specific Objectives

  • Analyze objective clinical signs or manifestations and subjective symptoms or perceptions in homeopathy
  • Approach the anamnesis from these objective and subjective manifestations
  • Present the Homeopathic Materia Medica and its therapeutic indications
  • Determine the rationale behind the development of drugs
  • Approaching the approach to pathologies from homeopathic repertorization
  • Establish the active principles most commonly used in phytotherapy and their application
  • Examine the different nutraceutical products and their application

A path to achieve knowledge and professional growth that will propel you towards a greater level of competitiveness in the labor market”

Postgraduate Certificate in Natural Therapies Applied in Veterinary Medicine


Want to expand your pharmaceutical knowledge into the veterinary field? Then TECH Global University's Postgraduate Certificate in Natural Therapies Applied in Veterinary Medicine is the perfect choice for you! Our prestigious Pharmacy School offers you this comprehensive online training program, designed by experts in the field and backed by the latest scientific research. One of the most outstanding advantages of the program is the flexibility of online study. This allows you to access learning materials, participate in discussions and complete your assignments from the comfort of your home or anywhere you prefer. In addition, our program is designed to provide you with a practical and applied approach, with technical language appropriate to the area of study, so that you can apply the knowledge you have acquired in real-life veterinary practice situations.

Learn about natural therapies in veterinary medicine


During the progr, you will become familiar with a wide variety of natural therapies used in veterinary medicine, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy and complementary medicine in general. You will learn about the scientific basis of these therapies, their application in animal health care and the scientific evidence supporting their efficacy. In addition, we will provide you with clinical cases and real case studies that will allow you to apply your knowledge in practical situations. Online study offers you the flexibility to progress at your own pace, adapting your study schedule to your personal and professional needs and commitments. In addition, you will have access to online resources, such as reading materials, videos and discussion forums, which will enrich your learning experience and allow you to interact with other students and professors. If you are looking for quality education in Applied Natural Therapies in Veterinary Medicine, our Postgraduate Certificate at TECH Pharmacy School at Technological University is the perfect choice. Take advantage of the flexibility of online study, the practical and applied approach, and the quality academics backed by experts in the field. Enroll today and prepare to excel as a professional in veterinary medicine!