
The theoretical foundations and practical knowledge, essential to work in fiction making"


Fiction production in the audiovisual sector starts with a dose of creativity, this is true and indispensable. But it develops, from there, through a structured and clear form of work that covers different phases and different and complementary areas.  

The making of fiction brings into play numerous agents who collaborate to build the final product. In this university course, we will guide you through all of them so that you learn how to bring an idea to the screen successfully and well done.  

In this way, we will focus in a special way on the direction of actors. A fundamental area of intervention in which the personality of the project will be clear and will give it its own personality. 

The keys to bringing, to any idea, the development necessary to become a competitive fiction product"

This postgraduate certificate in Fiction Production and Acting Direction contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practicing experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by tele-practice 
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Banks of complementary documentation are permanently available, even after the Postgraduate Studies   

A contextualized and real educational program that will allow you to put your learning into practice through new skills"

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way, we ensure that we provide you with the educational update we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of professors prepared and experienced in different environments who will cover the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but, above all, who will put the practical knowledge derived from their own experience at the service of Studies: one of its differential qualities.

This mastery of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodology used in the design of this course. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. This way, you will be able to study with a range of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the operability you need in your education.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use tele-practice: with the help of an innovative interactive video system, and learning from an expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were actually dealing with the scenario you are learning about. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.      

The Film Studies program is a highly interesting qualification for the professional in this sector"


A realistic and practical postgraduate certificate that will allow you to advance gradually and safely"


The objectives we propose in each of our of study programs are focused on achieving a global impulse to the development of our students, not only in the academic field, in which we set the highest quality standards, but also in the personal field. To this end, we offer you a stimulating and flexible development that allows you to achieve the satisfaction of completing your goals effectively. 


Get in just a few weeks, how to bring a fiction project to the finish line and how to direct actors like a pro"

General Objectives

  • Obtain the personal and professional skills required to produce audiovisual fiction
  • Learn the basics of directing actors

Specific Objectives

  • Provide the student with the theoretical and technical foundations, as well as the instrumental skills to face, from a narrative and aesthetic point of view, the production of audiovisual fiction, in different media and technologies
  • Study the processes of creation, production and post-production of audiovisual works (cinema, television), as well as the basic elements of narration (image and sound)
  • Adequately handle the theoretical models of narrative construction, the mechanisms involved in the creation of stories and their articulation through staging, editing and post-production
  • Knowing from the integral staging of audiovisual productions for film and television, taking responsibility for the direction of actors and adjusting to the script, work plan or previous budget
  • Ability and skill in film directing/filmmaking according to a schedule, script and shooting plan
  • Relate cinema to other pictorial arts such as photography and painting
  • Analyze the differences between directing for theater and for film in order to understand the particularities of the languages 
  • Know the interpretative methods and their origin in order to make actor-director communication more fluid
  • Examine the importance of the actor-director relationship in a production process in order to understand the importance it has on the quality of the result
    Appreciate the work of actors and directors in the field of world cinematography that allow to be a reference within the cinema, to develop a relevant judgment on what is a good actor, why, and the outstanding role of the director
posgrado realizacion ficcion direccion actores

A first-class program that will propel you in your profession with the mastery of new skills"

Postgraduate Certificate in Fiction Production and Acting Direction

Fiction filmmaking and actor directing is an art that combines creative vision with technical skill to tell captivating stories on the big screen. In this exciting field, filmmakers and actor directors are the masters behind every scene, the architects who build fictional worlds and the guides who extract the best performances from their actors. If you are looking for a program that will provide you with the necessary knowledge to specialize in this field, you've come to the right place. At TECH Global University you will find the Postgraduate Certificate in Fiction production and direction of actors that will help you achieve this goal. Here, we offer you flexible classes that easily adapt to your routine, as well as a relearning methodology, ideal to internalize the knowledge in a more efficient and productive way. The program consists of several modules, through which you will obtain a comprehensive training in fiction filmmaking, from the conception of the idea to post-production. Thus, you will learn how to develop solid film scripts and turn them into an impacting visual reality.

Be an expert in fiction filmmaking and direction of actors

This Postgraduate Certificate is a proposal of voluminous, but dynamic content devised by TECH as a way to update your skills in the face of the new demands of the labor market. Within the respective training, we offer you both online classes that you can manage under your own time availability, as well as a diverse interactive syllabus that encompasses the techniques of directing actors to bring out the best of each interpretation and achieve authentic and emotionally powerful performances. In addition, you will become familiar with the technical aspects of audiovisual production, including lighting, shot composition and editing. You will learn how to use professional tools and software to edit your own productions, giving them a high-quality visual and sound finish. At the end of the Postgraduate Certificate, you will have acquired the necessary skills to develop and direct your own fiction productions, whether in film, television or theater.