
Technological advances have favored the emergence of new diagnostic imaging techniques that are of great use to veterinarians” 


Every day, veterinarians face numerous challenges in their practice that must be met with the utmost rigor and, to this end, they must be familiar with the latest practices in their field. In this case, the aim is to provide high-level training in veterinary radiology, focusing on the abdominal area, as well as on other types of diagnostic procedures that can be of great use in the treatment of small animals.  

It must be taken into account that, in veterinary medicine, digestive conditions are the main reason for consultation and most of the time, their causes are easy to diagnose and treat by means of anamnesis and simple tests. The problems arise when the underlying conditons are less common, the patient is not used to working with certain tests or the treatments that should work, do not work. Therefore, this program aims to focus on the diagnostic imaging of these types of conditions.  

In addition, veterinarians will learn the radiographic anatomy of the abdomen, as well as how to look for alterations in the number, size, shape, margins, density and location of the different organs, in order to be able to make differential diagnoses.  

On the other hand, and taking into account that more and more families are deciding to keep exotic animals as pets in their homes, we have also developed a specific section dedicated to them, since the role of conventional radiology in medicine for birds, small mammals and reptiles is becoming increasingly important because it has been established as a fundamental diagnostic test in veterinary medicine. 
In short, it is a program based on scientific evidence and daily practice, with all the nuances that each professional can contribute, so that the student can keep it in mind and compare it with the bibliography enriched by the critical evaluation that every professional must have. 

Throughout this course, the student will learn about all the current approaches to the different challenges posed by their profession. A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level. In addition, TECH assumes a social commitment: to help update highly qualified professionals and to develop their personal, social and labor skills during the development of the same. And, to do so, it will not only take you through the theoretical knowledge offered, but will show you another way of studying and learning which is more organic, simpler and more efficient. It will work to maintain motivation and to create a passion for learning; it encourages thinking and the development of critical thinking. 

Our specialization will allow you to focus on learning new diagnostic imaging procedures, so that you acquire a superior level of training that will allow you to achieve success in your career"

This postgraduate diploma in Abdominal Radiology and Other Diagnostic Procedures in Small Animals contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The program's most important features include: 

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Veterinary Radiology
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Latest developments in Veterinary Radiology 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Veterinary Radiology 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Once you register with us you will have access to a multitude of case studies that will facilitate the understanding of the theoretical contents"

TECH's teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the veterinary field, who contribute their work experience to this training, as well as renowned specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the specialist must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned and experienced experts in Veterinary Radiology.  

Choose where and when to study, thanks to the convenience offered by our 100% online format"


You won’t find a program in the market that offers you everything we offer you: quality teaching, the most up-to-date contents and the best methodology in the current climate"


TECH's main objective in offering specific training in the veterinary field is that professionals are able to care for animals with a greater guarantee of success. For this reason, we offer a program with fully up-to-date information in which you can find the latest techniques.


We want you to achieve professional success and, to do so, we put all our tools at your disposal"

General Objectives

  • Examine the most frequent pathologies that we can diagnose through the use of Radiology
  • Determine the diagnostic method of digestive diseases and the tests of choice for each moment
  • Analyze how to optimize the diagnosis and the limitations of each technique
  • Establish the most relevant anatomical details for a correct assessment of the abdominal structures 
  • Define the normal and pathological anatomical image of each organ 
  • Specify the various differential diagnoses according to the radiological image observed
  • Examine other diagnostic methods: Diagnostic Imaging
  • Develop specialized knowledge for the correct identification of ultrasound, CT and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) images
  • Identify when our patient needs advanced imaging studies
  • Determine in which specific cases imaging techniques can help us in clinical diagnosis
  • Examine the peculiarities of the positioning of exotic animals
  • Perform radiography in an appropriate manner, according to the species and physiological anatomy
  • Distinguish between pathologic findings and physiologic findings

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Radiodiagnosis of the Digestive System

  • Radiological assessment of the most frequent pathologies of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon
  • Improve the radiological technique by means of the most frequent positionings
  • Determine the limitations of radiology and the uses of complementary techniques to make accurate diagnosis

Module 2. Radiodiagnosis of the Rest of Abdominal Structures 

  • Define the normal and pathological radiological image of the liver, spleen and pancreas 
  • Analyze the physiological and pathological radiological image of the excretory system and genital apparatus
  • Examine the radiological image of the retroperitoneal space and peritoneum
  • Determine the oncological image of each of these structures

Module 3. Other Diagnostic Imaging Methods. Diagnosis in Other Species. Exotic Animals

  • Develop specialized knowledge to perform ultrasound scans quickly, identifying the main pathologies
  • Examine the ecofast technique in the emergency department
  • Determine the performance and image acquisition of a CT scanner and how that helps me in my daily work
  • Identify which pathologies are more recommendable for MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) studies
  • Diagnose the pathologies of the cranium, celomic and thoracic cavity, orthopedic and abdominal pathologies in birds, small mammals and reptiles common in the small animal clinic

Take the opportunity to get up-to-date on the latest developments in Abdominal Radiology and Other Diagnostic Procedures in Small Animals”

Postgraduate Diploma in Abdominal Radiology and Other Diagnostic Procedures in Small Animals


At TECH Global University, we present you our Postgraduate Diploma in Abdominal Radiology and Other Diagnostic Procedures in Small Animals program, a unique opportunity to acquire specialized knowledge in the field of veterinary radiology. In this program, we provide you with the flexibility of online classes, allowing you to access quality education from anywhere and at any time that fits your schedule.

Our team of expert veterinary radiology professionals will guide you through a comprehensive and up-to-date curriculum, where you will be immersed in the theoretical and practical fundamentals of abdominal radiology and other diagnostic procedures in small animals. You will learn the most advanced techniques in radiography, ultrasound and computed tomography, and develop skills to interpret radiologic images and diagnose diseases and conditions in animals.

The online classes offer a comprehensive and up-to-date curriculum.

Online classes offer numerous benefits, such as the convenience of learning from home, the ability to set your own pace of study and constant interaction with subject matter experts. In addition, you will have access to online educational resources, including teaching materials, how-to videos and interactive tools that will enhance your learning experience.

By completing this Postgraduate Diploma program, you will be prepared to meet the challenges of the veterinary radiology field and stand out as a highly skilled professional. You will expand your employment opportunities in veterinary clinics, specialty hospitals, and veterinary diagnostic centers.

At TECH Global University, we pride ourselves on offering quality academic programs that are tailored to the needs of professionals in the veterinary field. Join us and take a step forward in your career in veterinary radiology.

Enroll today!