
Sonia Fernández Sapena is a Computer Engineer specialized in many fields, including Computer Security, Ethical Hacking, Voice and Data Network Management, Departmental Network Administration and Telecommunications Network Management. 

In addition, she has expertise in Internet Services administration, being an E-Council Certified Instructor, among others. She has an extensive and outstanding training and professional career of more than 20 years in her field as a trainer and consultant in prestigious centers, becoming a trainer of Computer Security and Ethical Hacking in the National Reference Center of Getafe in Computer Science and Telecommunications. 

  • Computer Security and Ethical Hacking trainer at the Getafe National Reference Center for IT and Telecommunications in Madrid. 
  • Certified E-Council Instructor. 
  • Trainer in the following certifications: EXIN Ethical Hacking Foundation and EXIN Cyber & IT Security Foundation. Madrid 
  • Accredited expert trainer by the CAM of the following certificates of professionalism: Computer Security (IFCT0190), Voice and Data Network Management (IFCM0310), Departmental Network Administration (IFCT0410), Alarm Management in telecommunications networks (IFCM0410), Voice and Data Network Operator (IFCM0110), and Internet Services Administration (IFCT0509). 
  • External collaborator CSO/SSA (Chief Security Officer/Senior Security Architect) at the University of the Balearic Islands. 
  • Computer Science Engineer at the University of Alcalá de Henares in Madrid. 
  • Master in DevOps: Docker and Kubernetes. Cas-Training 
  • Microsoft Azure Security Technologies. E-Council 
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