
Curero's entrepreneurial capacity led her to create the Personal Development Cabinet Medina-Psique, where she has developed Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching tasks. An initiative she took after a brilliant academic career focused on Primary Education, Psychology and Pedagogy.  

Her extensive knowledge in these fields has made her a reference in the approach and management of frequent pathologies in students and high competition athletes. Likewise, her interest in Educational Innovation has allowed her to promote projects in this field and to participate in national and international congresses.

  • Founder of the Personal Development Cabinet Medina-Psique 
  • Teacher of Therapeutic Pedagogy, Primary Education and Hearing and Language in Castilla y León 
  • Graduate in Primary Education with mention in Inclusive Pedagogy by Isabel I University 
  • Degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education 
  • Diploma in Teaching from the University of Valladolid
Programmes in collaboration with

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